Don't be put off by battlemounts quite so readily. Most replies knocking them are from high, end game players, who where probably already high and had mounts when OTM released pets and battlemounts. You need to keep in mind these guys have been playing a long time and have forgotten what it was like to be new to the game. They think starting a new toon and giving it all the luxuries they can is the same as starting as a new player
First, unless you are prepared to invest an awful lot of cash in the game, it really is feasible to only start with the bottom rung pets and mounts. I think all first tier pets and mounts are brown, but wouldn't say I'm totally certain of that. You really won't earn enough hunters prizes to upgrade/breed your pet or mount at the appropriate levels (I.e. Every 40 levels) if you went with higher than brown. By the same token you won't really be able to have both pet and mount and be able to keep them updated.
As a ranger, as most people have said, go for the dex stats, so a wolf or spider.
Unless you have the money to buy a mount or are happy to carry on waking everywhere around the zones, then, I personally think, a mount is the only option. Yes it is a pain that every time you die, you have to zone back to the castle to retrieve your pet. But, unless you're carrying resurrection idols, you're brought back to a leystone anyway, so having to make a detour before heading back to the fight isn't such a big deal. Again, remember the people knocking this are end game or near to end game, who will undoubtedly be carrying idols, so needing to retrieve the mount in this case will be a bigger issue.
As far as battlemounts being rubbish at first, yes this is true, but they quickly become worthwhile. Every time you use the mount skill your riding ability will increase, initially. Maybe at around a skill of 100 does the skill increase noticeably start to slow down. With the wolf, you'll find that once you have bred it and have the 2nd generation lvl 40 wolf and the wolf riding skill in the mid hundreds, you'll find the howl skill damage is comparable to the sharpshot damage if you have maxed it. This seems to remain true, broadly speaking continuing on from here. I now an level 135 and have sharpshot maxed and have the 4th generation lvl 120 wolf and still find howl comparable to sharpshot. I will use howl constantly when fighting mobs.
Ultimately it depends on your own circumstance. Currently a half way decent mount is incredibly expensive. So if you can't afford a good mount, then getting a battlemount makes the most sense. If you can afford a mount, then buying a mount and getting a pet makes more sense.
However, with the imminent arrival of the new chests, mounts should become more accessible and therefore cheaper. So may be wise to hold back for a short while. If you were considering buying chests yourself, then you have the chance of winning a mount anyway.