Mountless , and it's my fault...........**sigh**
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:04 pm
So there I was, farming Hawkhurst smugllers trying to get enough gold to Level up my Level 4 Battlemount................................ After hours upon hours of grinding, I finally had the gold!!!!!!!! I was so excited! I first went to Shalemont to sell the Hawkhurst chests, then to the Castle to level up my Battlemount! I'd say it took me more than a week of grinding on Hawkhursts, but I was determined. I couldn't wait for the speed that a level 5 Battlemount was going to give me!!!!!!!!!!! So I levelled it up to 5, the excitement was palpable, and I immediately tried to ride has a Level 160 requirement!?!?!!?!?!?!?! I am only level 144........................... Is it my fault??????????? Unfortunately Yes. But why the F%&k is there a level requirement for something that I had paid for with my blood , sweat, and determination?!?!?!?!?!??! That is the dumbest and most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I won't have my mount for 16 levels. And if you've had a mount, and then tried to run around without one, it's like torture. I seriously might quit playing the game. I wish I was kidding, but I'm a level 144 Ranger, and I've read the horror stories of the Grind that I'm going to be a part of ..........and doing that grind without my fast mount............ Anyways, Does anyone know why there is a level requirement for Battlemounts????? It is the worst thing that I've encountered in this game. And it's too bad, because I love this game. It's by far the best MMORPG for mobile devices out there...........................................**sigh**
Level 144 Ranger on DONN server
Level 144 Ranger on DONN server