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I don't think the patch worked.....

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:18 pm
by Shadowfox
Iv been asking around and everyone iv talked to said nothing changed for their glitched quests and being able to trade crystal weps and armor. Did the patch work for anyone? Or is it just my world it didn't work for?

Re: I don't think the patch worked.....

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:58 pm
by admin
Hi there, it sounds like the original patch didn't work properly and the follow on patches aren't being applied.

Could you look at one of the crystal items and see if it says 'bind on equip' or 'bound' in the description

If it does you need to delete the app and re-download as there has been some error with the install.

let me know how you get on
