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I Remember and I Miss stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:46 pm
by Stella3
When there were events where:

There are quests for hats

There are Event Quests..

There are Quests for Novelties
(Sunflower|Yulestave|Bat Cane)

Chests and items still made sense without the token system
(Although the tokens kinda make sense)

There's good looking fash

The economy is great and Overpricing didnt exist......yet
(Shadowstrike and firestorm were 30k)

The chars looked wierd and good at the same time that it's funny
(Old Engine)

And etc etc.
Try telling me what good memories you had in the past 6 years of
Celtic Heroes :lol:

Re: I Remember and I Miss stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:29 pm
by Spaceman
For me, it would be all the cool events and things like you said but also some of the really cool little things seeing stonevale the first time, first time getting a mount lol seeing certain bosses the first time. Maybe the best was eventually getting wings or cape and flying somewhat lol! I really enjoy the game now and before. Change is always a tuff thing but on the whole I'm just happy the game is still going strong enough

Re: I Remember and I Miss stuff

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:50 am
by Fletch
I miss the present collecting it gave the events a whole new feel, the tiered system was good except for the random one that kinda sucked. The lack of sparkles and effects was nice because now i go to a boss and i lag and all i see are the effects.
Stonevale used to be awesome with the whisps and now literally every mob is an imp and a bigger imp the different coloured balls were actually really good. Old bosses were better as they werent as tanky and as time has gone on the lower lvl boss hps seem to have just gotten higher as the lvl cap increases.
Having whole sets of drops from bosses that was a full armour and jewlry made it reallt fun to try to get everything.
The yule cloud drop was really nice aswell i was entertained for a week on that one and the farming for the elusive black hat and getting lots of cupcakes was fun too.
Basically any content that was more than just killing and levelling and armour was fun.. Except fishing, fishing has no application other than fishing or gold which theres better ways. Maybe crafting the fish into potions and pet food will come in the next update though and i hope they arent just crappy new buffs and are actually something usable and worth farming like a potion similar to a resto that you can actually make and not spend money on.
Im conclusion more collecting with some actual application in game would be really fun and keep a lot more players hooked in this game.

Re: I Remember and I Miss stuff

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:55 am
by Fletch
Also the amount of presents needs to scale higher because putting out 45 presents for players sucks when theres 20 people collecting them
The amount of event bosses should scale up to 5 instead of keeping it to three the level gaps are just so extreme and dont cater to low levels nearly as much. Which as how bosses are made now it doesnt seem like a hard thing to do with reusing the same mob with just a different name and adjusted stats