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Need OTM answer

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:21 am
by Way_farer
Just look at these "quite exclusive" items which OTM made "only available to get during halloween period". Have many other pics of "quite exclusive" 2011 items selling for 10 know lix price but cant put more than 3 photos. Would be great to hear OTM comments about that.
a.JPG (33.53 KiB) Viewed 3640 times
c.JPG (59.62 KiB) Viewed 3640 times
d.JPG (58.18 KiB) Viewed 3640 times

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:03 pm
by Anub
yes otm plz answer

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:54 pm
by Xiu Ling
Aye gucci gang :x

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:21 pm
by Wardon-CH
Lol what? This post makes no sense.... Is a player selling them? I know they aren't available to get unless from another player.

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:37 am
by Way_farer
Lol what? This post makes no sense.... Is a player selling them? I know they aren't available to get unless from another player.
Yes they are available to get from legacy bosses which killed all their rarity

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:09 am
by Tadaaah
Not sure Muldar or myself could really speak to the messaging of the team in 2011. We can be more careful with the wording in the future and/or bringing items back.

I've seen this is quite the debate amongst the community. I understand why those that worked hard to originally obtain these items would be upset, but I also understand why the bosses would be brought back. So let's see if we can find a middle ground, in case something like this were to come up again the future.

How would you feel if when a "legacy" item were brought back, they were a different color or your's had the original description indicating its origin? This could let other players know that its rarity, but still give new players a chance at cool items. Would that be happy middle ground?

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:27 am
by Mind
Would that be happy middle ground?
...knowing the community, probably not. :)
However, I see both sides (enough to care about both) and the decision to bring it all back for "legacy" stuff was not a mistake nor a breach of trust. Nonetheless, it may have been a shortening deal for collectors.
(In other words, yes this would be a very good compromise, people will just have their *aeon* protests all over again... ;) )

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:28 am
by Zkills
Not sure Muldar or myself could really speak to the messaging of the team in 2011. We can be more careful with the wording in the future and/or bringing items back.

I've seen this is quite the debate amongst the community. I understand why those that worked hard to originally obtain these items would be upset, but I also understand why the bosses would be brought back. So let's see if we can find a middle ground, in case something like this were to come up again the future.

How would you feel if when a "legacy" item were brought back, they were a different color or your's had the original description indicating its origin? This could let other players know that its rarity, but still give new players a chance at cool items. Would that be happy middle ground?
Community is split on this from what I have seen. Personally, I think it’s cool that everyone has a chance to have a piece of Celtic Heroes history and the labels are very neat. However, I also believe The Undead Fire Titan and Bone Giant should have been re introduced as extremely rare bosses and not legacy, such as the Connacht armor bosses that are extremely rare spawns in shalemont. Also, the very rare bosses that spawned in lirs should have stayed the same and not legacy because the items they drop are actually not that useful in this day and age and would have been better off as collectibles (thanks otm for not making the witch bosses, reaper bosses, wolf bosses, and bear bosses legacy).

Damage has already been done tho, but I would still like to see changes made on these bosses so things will go back to normal after a few years.

One more thing, plz bring back Tempest as a very rare boss, one of my favorite bosses of all time.

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:44 am
by Way_farer
Not sure Muldar or myself could really speak to the messaging of the team in 2011. We can be more careful with the wording in the future and/or bringing items back.

I've seen this is quite the debate amongst the community. I understand why those that worked hard to originally obtain these items would be upset, but I also understand why the bosses would be brought back. So let's see if we can find a middle ground, in case something like this were to come up again the future.

How would you feel if when a "legacy" item were brought back, they were a different color or your's had the original description indicating its origin? This could let other players know that its rarity, but still give new players a chance at cool items. Would that be happy middle ground?
Yeeees thats an incredible idea. It's probably the best way to do it and I fully support that concept

Re: Need OTM answer

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:12 am
by DeadTomat
Not sure Muldar or myself could really speak to the messaging of the team in 2011. We can be more careful with the wording in the future and/or bringing items back.

I've seen this is quite the debate amongst the community. I understand why those that worked hard to originally obtain these items would be upset, but I also understand why the bosses would be brought back. So let's see if we can find a middle ground, in case something like this were to come up again the future.

How would you feel if when a "legacy" item were brought back, they were a different color or your's had the original description indicating its origin? This could let other players know that its rarity, but still give new players a chance at cool items. Would that be happy middle ground?
Yes please do that! And I also like different color thing