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Pet Questions: Chicken and Eagle

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:27 pm
by Thundersnow
I wasn't given a quest to train chicken, how are they trained? Also the Eagle Taming quest from Druid Robena is bugged and I can't complete. Now the quest is gone completely and I don't see Eagle Taming under abilities. Any help would be appreciated.

Cool Pillow

Re: Pet Questions: Chicken and Eagle

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:49 pm
by angelneto
Had same issue. What you do is goto hishore village theres a farmer on the left you get quest for it from. Which he might nit have due to the fact you havent done the croockback quests. Finish those and then he wilk have a chicken quest its dumb and agervating to complete for a crappy pet thats goofy and not worth feeding tho lol