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Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:17 am
by blinkdagger
Why not make corrupted garden a pk zone or a bigger arena. Put all endgame bosses in the new zone. While hunting bosses, we also hunting players.


Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:19 am
by Mrbignoy
Dumbest nonesense I've heard about corrupted gardens already

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:19 am
by Mrbignoy
Hey let's make corrupted gardens a pvp zone so when a clan with 3 different groups is killing a boss can kill each other when using aoe skills

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:23 am
by Everything
God no

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:27 am
by blinkdagger
Make the boss easy to kill. So you dont need 30 toons to kill it. Maybe only 5 toons can kill it.
A pvp zone and an easy endgame boss zone. :lol:

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:29 am
by Agent K
Blinkdagger always the best of best ideas

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:42 am
by Krios
Y'know, as ridiculous as the idea sounds I do like it. Imagine if clans got some bonus for killing guardians, generals, or chiefs of other clans, like a gold tax from each member from 100-300 gold. The complete overhaul of what players would normally do in an endgame area is an interesting prospect. Never travel alone because you might get ambushed by a rival clan, boss spawns could become all out wars. I like it.

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:50 am
by blinkdagger
Blinkdagger always the best of best ideas

Thanks agent k :lol:

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:57 am
by blinkdagger
Y'know, as ridiculous as the idea sounds I do like it. Imagine if clans got some bonus for killing guardians, generals, or chiefs of other clans, like a gold tax from each member from 100-300 gold. The complete overhaul of what players would normally do in an endgame area is an interesting prospect. Never travel alone because you might get ambushed by a rival clan, boss spawns could become all out wars. I like it.
Perfect!!! I also want to add this.

Re: Make corrupted garden a pk zone...

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:03 am
by Mind if small clans weren't handicapped enough :lol:
I like the idea; it would be cool, but it would make big clans even more dominant.
But if and when they overhaul the arena I'd like to see something like this, maybe even a clan PvP rating and include PvP-area-bosses as a variable in the algorithm.