As a long time player of this game and as a consumer of mmorpg in general; I feel the approach mentioned by tadaah today in regards to discipline is completely upside down.
I personally do not share my accounts but I have done so in other games when I was in college with roommates and feel that this does not in anyway shape or form effect the other players ability to play the game. However, harassment, grieving, and other forms of blatant activity against or toward a person in game does negatively effect another players experience in the game. This is where sever punishment should lie. This activity is what drives people away from the game. On the server I play on we are constantly having to deal with people who are cyber bullying and even though there have been temporary bans on some of those accounts it continues to happen, to the point that some people have quit over it.
On the flip side I know if a couple accounts that have been “transferred” some people on the server don’t even know they’ve been transferred accounts and the individuals playing them are helpful and contribute to the joy of the game. I would never dream of reporting these individuals because they positively effect the game.
From a business model standpoint, I think it’s a horrible idea to allow grieving and allow people to pull adds onto a boss to cause the lock group to wipe and if a punishment is handed out for name calling or cyber bullying to only give a slap on the wrist and say “please be better, it’s ok to make people question their life” but then to hand out a ban to an account that is contributing positively to the game play of others. This type of mindset WILL be the down fall of your game, not the slow release of new content.
In a black and white letter of the law approach toward enforcement of the EULA, which is what you are talking about, you will ruin your own game. If this is the approach you are taking then clans across all servers will fall: not because of end game accounts but because of clan bank accounts. As we read 6 weeks ago, clans have shared accounts in which end game raid items are stored so they can be distributed fairly to those in the clan. These accounts have multiple people accessing them, as they should; and under your statement today those accounts will be permanently banned. From a legal interpretation of the EULA enforcement of your policy MUST have the same effect of these accounts as it does on a lvl 220 account.
Upside down approach
Last edited by Sweefish on Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)
Searching for the next adventure.
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)
Searching for the next adventure.