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New scammer technique

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:41 pm
by Bucket Mcpail
Scammers are now using guild tags and name's very similar to guild member's to scam. To the pos that did it to me , enjoy the item's, probably leaving game because it took me @3 + years to get the items I had. Karma is a female dog ( being nice) . May you get genital herpes and piles.

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:06 pm
by Shivahh
Let's say this for like the 50th time, Double Check

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:16 pm
by BubsMcFace
Yeah yeah
Double check

How about we get some IP bans going on. I know people have been sending through screenshots of the chat logs, and times logged (BEFORE any scamming took place)

That toon was reported a few days ago. Seems our full time job is trying to protect the name of our clan from scammers.

Imma pm all other chiefs in fingal and make sure they educate their players better.

But a game like this should be a safe place... In my humble opinion


Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:40 pm
by Shivahh
Yeah yeah
Double check

How about we get some IP bans going on. I know people have been sending through screenshots of the chat logs, and times logged (BEFORE any scamming took place)

That toon was reported a few days ago. Seems our full time job is trying to protect the name of our clan from scammers.

Imma pm all other chiefs in fingal and make sure they educate their players better.

But a game like this should be a safe place... In my humble opinion

I agree, a game and a community should be welcoming and scamming should be taken out completely, sadly this is the internet and the actions people take, the things people say will change, when there's an opportunity those people will take it and run, since after it all ends all they get is some criticism.
Which is why the best we've done as a community is keep people aware and yeah as I said double check.

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:08 pm
by Bucket Mcpail
I did a double take after i was asked for username and password. I was in moo clan , but left awhile back, but all 3 that were talking to me, I would trust with the items I had. When you see friend "... " log in , then they start talking to you saying trust so and so ,you'll get items back. It didn't seem strange, until I was asked for user name and password. By then it was to late.

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:32 am
by Zkills
Can’t get scammed if you never hand out items, ever think of that? When you hand something out because you never listen to any of the warnings, never assume you’ll get the item back... it’ll save you from a lot more disappointment

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:19 am
by PrinceOlympius
I don't get it, no matter how many times OTM puts prevention warnings, people never listen. Then you come crying on forums letting everyone know you just got duped.


Title: "Beware in *insert world*" or "Be careful of this *clickbait description for otherwise the same situation* technique EX: Be careful of this "new revolutionary technique for" scamming.
(You want the users of this forum to be attracted to this topic, so you will need a new innovative title to keep people coming)

Description Thesis: (*insert sad violin music*) When it comes to the topic, you will want everyone to feel your pain. Like this event has only happened to you in the entire history of CH. To put some sympathy points, tell everyone how you worked *insert number of years* for these items. Not only will people start grabbing tissues, but they will probably start listening to Nickleback in your name. (*QUE SAD GELEBRON*)

Description BODY: Now that everyone has been captured by your sadness and despair, this is when the fire starts. In this section, you will want to curse and threaten the scammer, like he rather read the forums waiting for you rather than enjoy the powerful items that he has just taken. To make it more obscene, you can even add some real life situations if you came across the scammer.

I hope you burn in the eternal fire of Mordis
Are you related to Hrung?
You steal more than the Blackthorns in Lir's reach
Luthor's head is actually your head

I hope you fall off a motorcycle and break your legs
I wish you would catch some *uncurable disease*
I would tackle your and beat you in the face
(Anything punishment that you can think of that is worse than the punishments for the REAL LIFE BAD PEOPLE)
(Lets face it, this is probably the hardest life event that has ever happened to you...unleash all that rage and sadness)

Conclusion: Now for the finale, this is your moment! Keep it short and simple: "I AM NEVER GOING TO PLAY EVER AGAIN" is a good one. The more dramatic version is "I AM NEVER COMING BACK" but the previous one is fine.

EXTRA TIPS: Outside of this thread, when people try to sympathize with you through similar events, make their story feel worthless and make sure you let them know yours is worse.

Please DO NOT DEVIATE from this format, you have to keep your sense of originality. Furthermore, stay tuned for the following tutorials:

ALTERNATE: "COME BACK STORY! RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" *gets to level 10, tries to get original account back*

How to let everyone know "I WAS A TOP PLAYER, BETTER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE, BUT I GOT SCAMMED" in your posts.

How to make a salty "CH WILL FAIL SOON *INSERT NEW COMPETITORS*" thread.


You will soon rise again with your new level 1 character with an edgy name, but the good news is that this time, it will only take you 2 YEARS! :D

(Seriously, I am sorry for your loss but listen to the warnings next time. I got scammed many items before and learned to just suck it up~)

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:44 am
by Bluemuse
Something people aren't realizing is that this isn't random named noobs scamming people.. it's residents of specific servers targeting specific clans via people with copycat names, and watching for them to log in... at that point they begin whispering people to "borrow ammys" or... "gimme your login and password". It's a common theme on my server now, and it has been very successful on the scammers part, as they try any name they see in castle (or in clan as the case may be).

We have taken every precaution to warn our clan family, but not everyone reads the clan message or 3rd party chats. We report every scammer that attempts this, and some do disappear... but what of the gear they took? Is it in the ah (it isn't)? Is it for sale in the castle (possibly)? Is it a handful of people gathering gear and gold to sell for *** (also possible)?

I don't see a reason to bust my ass and help with bosses when 3-4 people can strip as much in a day... banning scammers is all well and good, but I recommend getting the gear they stole back and returning it. Until you find a way to prevent this, you need to return losses or people will definitely quit playing. Either that or you will inspire everyone to follow this path.

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:44 pm
by mckenna
Again and again...
-Offer a loan option with expiry date

Re: New scammer technique

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:13 pm
by LeGenDzZ
It hits hard since this is on a game where people play to kill time and have some fun, but gullible people keep falling to it, shouldn't sympathize for them but it paints a bad picture for the game and feeds the scammers.

IP ban proven scammers, no second chances.