Physicial damage rings were permanent, foods require constant ‘maintenance’ to keep a decent supply, you can make 50 or so an hour with decent mastery sure but it gets very expensive, very different to slapping a ring on and getting that damage increase permanently without ever worrying about it,
but imo physical damage rings were broken and dmg food is as well until casters get a food that gives direct damage instead of little bit of focus and hp/resists that will add a negligeble amount of dps compared to the boosts melee gets. especially with other gardens gear stacking focus and ability
Caviar doesn’t need a buff at all, cooking boss drop rates do though, Should be guarnteed 3 drops each kill. I don’t have a problem with recipe drop rates at the moment I think they’re decent rates, but increasing to 3 guarnteed drops would also help more people get the recipes
I agree with everything you said.
It would be nice for them to include a new recipe in gardens that adds direct dmg to caster skills. I actually didn’t think about it before now, but Gardens should have included a couple of cullinary mobs, one reaver and one lich. I’m still holding onto my golden carps from fishing hoping a recipe is added for those ...