Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn
#1This is basically a message asking servers to post ALL efforts you make at Bloodthorn. Fails, tests, even when you try to form but don't get the numbers. The more otm knows about any attempts (don't care about strats, there is none except kill everything and a few minor things) the better they can potentially change or help players kill in the future. If anyone needs any specific grp help or how to deal with X, or anything at all regarding the game or BT, feel free to ask me here, pm me, or add me on Line: eponastp. I'm not gna claim I'm some all knowing guru, but I think I can help. (also don't get disheartened if I don't reply asap, I'm lazy and I'll get to it lol)
Washed up Epona rogue that doesn't play
225 Rogue Toothpick
215 Warrior Anubis
225 Rogue Toothpick
215 Warrior Anubis