To what extent would a player be considered active or inactive?
There has been a lot of confusion within my clan about what is considered "inactivity". Would you consider someone that logs once a day for a prot as "active" but that person never shows up ever again that day. Or someone that logs on and afk's in castle or levels an alt but never ever does timers, but they're online all the time but contribute little to nothing for the clan. Would they be considered as "active" too? Or would you consider someone that camps, does timers, and shows up to as many bosses as possible as "active"? But these people only do it for about a few days and then disappear. Would someone that logs once a week for a prot/gele kill be considered "active" too? The main point of the question I wanted to touch on was, at what point do they reach being called "inactive"? Or what is the bare minimum to actually be called an "active player"?
Quick question for everyone
#1Proud to be the Biggest Noob in crom
(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired
(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)
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(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired
(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)
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