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Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:51 pm
by Robert
It’s a lil weird when an item is so rare that it’s not even confirmed to be in the drop table.

Has anyone seen one?

I heard there’s less than 5 Shadows among all the servers, although that may have changed recently.

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:16 pm
by Bigdiesel
2 shadows on arawn

0 voids

It's looking like bt helms have same drop rates

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:26 pm
by bob the mage
Seen a few shadows on gwyd. Or maybe was just one, idr.

Void helms on their own are rare. I hope the old bosses loot tables get buffed with new boss out.

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:32 pm
by Toothpick
One shad in epona, no dark no void, the shadow dropped in 2018 as well. So we went 5 years with no noon at all

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:39 pm
by Apples-Bele
I’ve only seen 1 dark in belenus as well, why are some helms like moon, bastion, visions so rare?

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:41 pm
by Criminal
I’ve only seen 1 dark in belenus as well, why are some helms like moon, bastion, visions so rare?
That dark helm is the ONLY moon helm to ever drop on Belenus. To my surprise several bastion helms (all dark) dropped lately.

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:44 pm
by Apples-Bele
I’ve only seen 1 dark in belenus as well, why are some helms like moon, bastion, visions so rare?
That dark helm is the ONLY moon helm to ever drop on Belenus. To my surprise several bastion helms (all dark) dropped lately.
I can sort of understand moon and earth being rarer (not as rare as they are tho) than the rest but not like bastion is best tank helm or visions best caster. Has otm ever said anything about it?

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:50 pm
by Criminal
I’ve only seen 1 dark in belenus as well, why are some helms like moon, bastion, visions so rare?
That dark helm is the ONLY moon helm to ever drop on Belenus. To my surprise several bastion helms (all dark) dropped lately.
I can sort of understand moon and earth being rarer (not as rare as they are tho) than the rest but not like bastion is best tank helm or visions best caster. Has otm ever said anything about it?
Not that I know. We have gotten 1-2 visions helm in the past around 2015, and we got 2-3 dark bastions recently (but until few weeks ago never seen them). We have one shadow earth, never got moon helm, got a lot of Sea and two dark sun. On the contrary we have 3 void victory helms. Im not sure how the drop rates work at all.

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by Beso
Poor danu doesnt have a single moon yet

Re: Has the Voidscale Moon Dropped Yet?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 9:05 pm
by dyroxicon
One shad in epona, no dark no void, the shadow dropped in 2018 as well. So we went 5 years with no noon at all

That's really discouraging! 5 years and only shadow helm just dropped... I'm sure mordy gets killed on spawn too most times. What a truly horrible drop rate!