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Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:56 pm
by Trollzor
Like the title says shuld an endgame clan go for pieces or work towards set?

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:26 pm
by Chaotic
Mathematically it's best to do pieces:

For dps, gloves > bp > boots > legs > helm that order (with bt helms now I wouldnt waste pures on helm).

For support classes gloves > boots > legs > bp > helm (bt helms)

Tanks shouldn't get dg.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:05 pm
by offiues
This has got to be balor :lol:

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:14 pm
by Curry30423
We give bps first. Then those who have bps eventually get sets.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:34 am
by LeGenDzZ
Mathematically it's best to do pieces:

For dps, gloves > bp > boots > legs > helm that order (with bt helms now I wouldnt waste pures on helm).

For support classes gloves > boots > legs > bp > helm (bt helms)

Tanks shouldn't get dg.
This pretty much.

I don't believe in giving out full sets. You could have been increasing your DPS by giving BP and gloves combo to two toons rather than a set to one toon. Then there is the risk of a full doch toon going inactive upon reward. Make your clan happier by spreading the wealth.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:47 am
by Ventius
Mathematically it's best to do pieces:

For dps, gloves > bp > boots > legs > helm that order (with bt helms now I wouldnt waste pures on helm).

For support classes gloves > boots > legs > bp > helm (bt helms)

Tanks shouldn't get dg.
I’d agree with this except one small change. For dps, legs before boots. A rangers boots add steady aim compared to the legs being light heal. Atleast for me, boots would be the last piece I get excluding helm now that dg helms are replaced by BT helm

For rogue doesn’t make such a dif since it’s losing either smoke or expose points

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:02 am
by LadyNymeria
We started out by giving pieces and still do sometimes, but we mainly give full Doch Gul. We’ve had more people go inactive with pieces than we have had people going inactive with full so it’s not been a bad switch up. There’s always a risk either way. It’s best to discusss as a clan and see how everyone feels overall tbh. No “right” answer ..just what’s going to work best for your clan or server.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:39 am
by Criminal
Mathematically it's best to do pieces:

For dps, gloves > bp > boots > legs > helm that order (with bt helms now I wouldnt waste pures on helm).

For support classes gloves > boots > legs > bp > helm (bt helms)

Tanks shouldn't get dg.
This pretty much.

I don't believe in giving out full sets. You could have been increasing your DPS by giving BP and gloves combo to two toons rather than a set to one toon. Then there is the risk of a full doch toon going inactive upon reward. Make your clan happier by spreading the wealth.
Exactly what we do, giving out 2 pieces. Perhaps when we're near gearing almost every active main with bp, we'll either proceed to give them to active alts too (we do give to certain alts, not to every alt, not relevant to elaborate) we'll give bps to every alt (most alts already have gloves) or go for full sets, or full sets minus helm to save 3 purenesses. Before BT Id most likely suggest some full sets by now, but now it feels like throwing purenesses on helm.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:16 am
by Sneakylistia
But the dg,aura is dependent on you having the full set previously. The bt helm doesn't break an aura but you need have had the aura first.

Re: Work towards Doch Gul pieces or sets?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:53 am
by Dynamit3
But the dg,aura is dependent on you having the full set previously. The bt helm doesn't break an aura but you need have had the aura first.
Edl and dl isn’t dependant in full set nor is dg with mord helms, doubt bt is any different