We just finished up out 13th kill of BT. We have yet to see a helm drop, I’m not complaining. I was hoping that the programmers could tell us what the programmed percentage chance of one dropping is so we can curve our expectations.
We have now been killing BT on the day of spawn for about 6 weeks. I have to ask, is it intended to only be able to get one helm per two months? If so it would take a clan of 50 active raiders 9 years to get everyone a helmet.
Question surrounding BT helms
#1World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)
Searching for the next adventure.
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)
Searching for the next adventure.