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Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:58 am
by YourNightmare
Today, on Arawn we have witnessed for the First time again Tampering but this time on a Lich Boss by a few people in tOp cLaN. One of them is a 221 Druid in this "top clan" and holds a General position. He/she let her clan continue puling blue buff to us even after lock. Halfway through the boss, she decided to contribute and kill off my toons whilst rage with the blue buff. Very GOOD server.

OTM/VR, its time to stop this childish behavior. It is sickening to see stuff like this happen over and over again. Please, I ask you to do something soon about this. I can't stand seeing my Members be KSED on LIX, being insulted on sight or have bosses be tampered with. What is your stand on this, where can we draw a line? We've wasted time and platinum (lixes, idols). Just give their accounts a break for a week or so to let them learn. Sigh...

Are other servers experiencing this too? What is your solution?

Thanks in advance,

...yes Gabeee, tHiS WaS a LeGiT Kill, everything we do is Legit lol *kiss*

Re: Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:03 pm
by Issra
everything we do is Legit lol
Just like the Proteus Prime your underdog clan killed?


Re: Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:04 pm
by Legislative
everything we do is Legit lol
Just like the Proteus Prime your underdog clan killed?

yo dude dat a hella popcorn

Re: Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:46 pm
by Ventius
Unfortunately it is how that clan works. They want to stamp out any and all competition and don’t care how they do it. Having been a member of that clan for years I saw first hand the convos and chats and actions of many members including many leaders to try and hinder the advancement of unit/colours/ds/any other actual comp. They then make up stories about those clans or players and once it erupts onto forums like I’m sure this will once I go to sleep those stories then come out. It’s a shame but it’s the way the cookie tends to crumble on arawn.

I heard you got a pureness from your very first prot kill tho. That’s great work congrats. Hopefully you will see many more proteus kills to come and eventually start seeing some serious lock battles like arawn used to have. The game is much more fun when there is comp. I can say from experience that the game really stagnated and became much more boring when you guys dropped off. Glad to see your building back up and starting to throw it down to res.

Re: Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:15 pm
by Shadae
I have some screen grabs from last week and this week. I have to say I am clueless as to why they do it. They really don’t need dirty..with interference or anything else for that matter...considering that guild has us outnumbered by like 10 to 1. Shall I post my screen grabs on Facebook? My pixel count is too high for his site.

All the best

Re: Community / OTM/VR - Tampering with CG Bosses

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:28 pm
by Bitey
If you have an issue, please send an email to [email protected] and include your screenshots. They will address the issue there. The forums is not a good place to report others. I’m locking this thread now before it gets (more) out of control.