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BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:30 pm
by Sweefish
As promised, an update on our number of kills without a BT helm. We killed Bloodthorn today at 9:45 EST and got two royal necklaces one royal charm and one royal recast ring. 30 kills 0 helms. ... RQ3mkUMMVQ

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:48 pm
by Corrupt
As promised, an update on our number of kills without a BT helm. We killed Bloodthorn today at 9:45 EST and got two royal necklaces one royal charm and one royal recast ring. 30 kills 0 helms. ... RQ3mkUMMVQ

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:20 pm
Royal: 84.17%
Imperial: 15%
Godly: 0,83%

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:45 pm
by Wardon-CH
And herne still 0... LMAO

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:51 pm
by Rogue4Life
You guys got barely any ability rings either, sucks that the ammys are so bad for 99% of people, they need to swap ammy and ability ring drop rates :/

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:16 pm
by Zkills
Could be worse... there could be mighty/majestic drops as well

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:16 pm
by bob the mage
Could be worse... there could be mighty/majestic drops as well
Okay, and?
Just cause it could be worse or with past bosses it was worse doesn’t change the fact that the current drop rates aren’t acceptable.

OTM VR or whatever company that runs and develops CH needs to realize it’s a mobile mmo and develop it that way.

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:31 pm
by Corrupt
Could be worse... there could be mighty/majestic drops as well
Okay, and?
Just cause it could be worse or with past bosses it was worse doesn’t change the fact that the current drop rates aren’t acceptable.

OTM VR or whatever company that runs and develops CH needs to realize it’s a mobile mmo and develop it that way.
They should fix the loot tables of all the bosses

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:41 pm
by Zkills
Could be worse... there could be mighty/majestic drops as well
Okay, and?
Just cause it could be worse or with past bosses it was worse doesn’t change the fact that the current drop rates aren’t acceptable.

OTM VR or whatever company that runs and develops CH needs to realize it’s a mobile mmo and develop it that way.
I’m just thankful OTM got rid of the mighty/majestic tiered loot. I do agree the drop rates on the desirable loot needs to increased tho.

What does this game being a mobile MMORPG have to do with anything? All the other mobile MMORPGs (that I’ve played atleast) require just as much time as the PC or console MMORPGs... same concept, just mobile and more convenient

Re: BT kill number 30 on Gwydion

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:35 pm
by bob the mage
Could be worse... there could be mighty/majestic drops as well
Okay, and?
Just cause it could be worse or with past bosses it was worse doesn’t change the fact that the current drop rates aren’t acceptable.

OTM VR or whatever company that runs and develops CH needs to realize it’s a mobile mmo and develop it that way.
I’m just thankful OTM got rid of the mighty/majestic tiered loot. I do agree the drop rates on the desirable loot needs to increased tho.

What does this game being a mobile MMORPG have to do with anything? All the other mobile MMORPGs (that I’ve played atleast) require just as much time as the PC or console MMORPGs... same concept, just mobile and more convenient
Just cause they all do something doesn't mean that is the right way to do something. If the only justifications for an action are "its not as bad as it used to be/could have been" or "everyone else is doing it", well, you got some shizzy justifications for that action.
One of the main drivers for people to leave CH is that the game functions like a PC mmo on a device that is not suitable to run a PC mmo. From Battery Life to UI issues. CH was initially designed to fit the idea of a mobile mmo game, a game meant to be played on the go and for smaller intervals of time, like most mobile games. Although this is how it was initially designed it seems OTM's designers just stuck with normal market flow and left that trend to follow what everyone else was doing...

Bosses are great, the zones are great. The loot tables suck, the camping sucks, and the quest lines are long without any content. The game runs like a poor pc mmo. The designers have for a long time used the fact that it is a mobile game as an excuse from PVP to UI but at the end of the day OTM/VR needs to pick whether or not they want to make a true MOBILE game or if they just want to burn out all of our phone batteries.

Since toning down my CH playing my phone battery life has gone from needing to be replaced once a year to lasting so far a full year without any sign of deterioration.

If VR wants to make CH a sustainable mobile game they need to focus on what makes mobile games successful, and that is the idea that people can play and can actually PLAY the game in a 15-30 minute time period, with a few players playing extended sessions of an hour or more. Currently the game is developed where a player needs to play in 30 minute intervals minimum with an hour or more being the normal.
Loot tables require extensive camping and continual bossing instead of being able to move on and play the game sequentially.