You've accomplished a lot for a non-plat buyer. How exactly did u start this game? I mean like what did u do? When and how did u buy your first hero item/s? How did you level ect
In 2011/12 I basically walked around and leveled up a bit, I was able to farm enough to buy a winterking bow back then, and I bought a 20% broom for 26k and flipped it for 250k.
My real success didnt start til 2013. I had nothin but 10k left, and I made furyion, in 2 weeks I was 110 and had 400k saved up. I bought my lux along the way leveling up(from people who happened to be selling what i needed cheap), but I played hybrid til they released ice blast, then I went ice(though ice was better back then compared to today). I mainly made my gold just buying alot of cheap nice items and flipping them to people who needed them for a fair price. Chest flipping and rare item dealing is what made me as rich as I am today, but I do deal in every level of merching. Ancient weapons to mythic mounts, and everything inbetween.
I have made a little bit bossing too, but not nearly as much. My best boss sell was me winning a royal sunfire helm and selling it for 3.5m.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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