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Xp event extension

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 11:58 pm
by Thefreeze
Could we extend this event by a couple days, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is a busy time for a lot of people, personally I haven’t been able to take advantage of this promised retribution to the issues last double plat, spending time with family limits how long I’m on games and honestly it to me was the worst week possible to hold an xp event as lixing requires a lot of time. Time people don’t have at Christmas

I’d like it if we could have more time to use this event. It hasn’t been useful to really anyone who celebrates Christmas so far as we are all quite busy

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:29 am
by Zyz
+1 and -1. I have no preference whether they carry it on or not. I think that those that weren't able to participate in this event because of friends and family should feel blessed and happy.

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:57 am
by Mdunc1982
Could we extend this event by a couple days, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is a busy time for a lot of people, personally I haven’t been able to take advantage of this promised retribution to the issues last double plat, spending time with family limits how long I’m on games and honestly it to me was the worst week possible to hold an xp event as lixing requires a lot of time. Time people don’t have at Christmas

I’d like it if we could have more time to use this event. It hasn’t been useful to really anyone who celebrates Christmas so far as we are all quite busy
I personally wouldn't be bothered by this but in my opinion only for the weekend. They've already been fairly generous to us with this event and the double plat. I however don't think double plat should be extended any further as people have time to log on for 10 minutes just to buy plat.

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:51 am
by KillerFrost
+1 because xp events are super fun and it would be a nice way to head into the weekend. But I don't think VR owes us an extension because this was "extra" to begin with. The return of double plat is what was owed to us, anything more is extra, welcome, but extra. I'd be up for reset tomorrow to undo double plat and keep xp event until Thursday/Friday (or better yet until Sunday :o) but I wouldn't be upset if none of that happened

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:38 am
by H3ROBigG
+1 please consider extending the event til next Monday.

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:28 am
by Lucerin
Two types of people during this event; people with no one to spend time with in real life, and people who now have no one to spend time with in real life because they spent their holidays lixing.

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:02 am
by Majestica
I personally feel like we have been asking for a lot lately from VR, but this is the sad truth.
Been fairly busy Christmas and Christmas Eve and would've much rather had it start after.

Double plat though has definitely had its time up now and should be put down now until the next annual reoccurance.

I also want to say thank you, I and many others have been asking for a lot lately and I feel like VR is Santa granting all our wishes.

Merry Christmas all :)

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:36 am
by Robert
I agree, I had some grand plans to 220 the rest of my toons however I haven’t been able to find any time

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:50 am
by Thefreeze
I’m fine with double plat being taken out. But like how Robert wanted to level to 220, I was planning to go high too. To me and my family Christmas time is an event we want to spend together, and I’d think that for everyone else. Personally I was thinking of extending it to around 30th so people can regain the time lost from christmas

Re: Xp event extension

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:01 am
by Shivahh
Just leave double plat and xp event on and have a holiday @vr