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Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:31 am
by Rikitt
I'm curious how many people have attempted this challenge on everyone's servers? And how many succeeded in their goal?

I recently got my blessed white crown a few days ago. I got to 42 before new years, but took a long mental break till these past two weeks to grind out the rest. Oddly enough, I got so used to farming candles that I kind of want to go after another crown. Am I crazy?

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:30 am
by Schwing
I'm curious how many people have attempted this challenge on everyone's servers? And how many succeeded in their goal?

I recently got my blessed white crown a few days ago. I got to 42 before new years, but took a long mental break till these past two weeks to grind out the rest. Oddly enough, I got so used to farming candles that I kind of want to go after another crown. Am I crazy?

That's some dedication right there.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:07 am
by The7thSon
Yeah, you’re crazy. I got one gold candle in about 4k normals and quit, interested to see what your ratio was. Pretty sure nobody even tried on Epona.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:26 am
by Righter
I got my white blessed on morrigan a few weeks ago, so far the only one i know of on the server. I know how you feel about getting so used to farming candles, went from farming close to 8 hrs a day to having no goal and ended up having a full weeks break right after i got my hat. Definitely feeling like farming another now tho, will have to see if i have the willpower left.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:47 am
by Righter
In terms of drops rates for me it was just completely random, there were times when i would get 2 golden candles within 5 mins and other times where it would take over 2-3 hrs just for 1. Though the lowest i got in a day was 3 and the highest i ever got within a day was 9.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:46 pm
by Rikitt
In terms of drops rates for me it was just completely random, there were times when i would get 2 golden candles within 5 mins and other times where it would take over 2-3 hrs just for 1. Though the lowest i got in a day was 3 and the highest i ever got within a day was 9.
Yeah my rates were all over the place. I think I ended between 54,000-55,000 regular candles. So the rate is definitely around 1/700. But this depends on where you farm. If every spider has the same chance regardless of level, then your rate will be much lower in Lirs than in comparison to Shale where the average is 3 candles per kill. I used to only farm Dustwither and down there I was making 1/500 until I hit a streak of bad luck. Longest streak was 2300 without a gold candle, and shortest was literally one kill right after the other. It can be very random. Sometimes it was 5 golds within 1 hour or 3 golds within 12 hours.

I'd love to see a whole matching outfit someday, but until then Frostguard is what I'm rocking since white lanrik is too rare.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:13 am
by Rcflyn
I gave up after realizing I had all the regular hats, but only had 4 golden candles.....

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:17 am
by BowDude
1 on rosmerta, guy farmed 57k regular candles before getting blessed white.

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:50 am
by paggasquid
Congratz! That’s some real dedication right there!

Re: Blessed Crowns

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:03 pm
by Zkills
Was it worth it though? A white crown that changes your hair whether you like it or not with a little white mist on top?