you should improve your heal a little bit because boss fights earn you money you need to get some upgrades. who do you think you are to make people ignore what we THINK is right. those are our opinions. and opinions are not always correct.I disagree. Forget improving your heal. Improve your dps. How the hell will you effectively lvl while caring how big your natures touch is. Suds like you aren't a play guy... So forget the scavenger shop for some time.
And ignore James, Howard and criminal. Their ideas a always flawed. Always.
Best bet is to try buy a golden focus of energisation at your lvl. They are around 50k I think second hand. And give 10 energisation and some good resistances. If you can try the golden bodkin of energisation. It gives the energy aswell as extra damage. It's damage you need to level up, so forget how big your heal is till you are of a decent level that it maters. Think about healing after 80. Till then think about survivability and leveling.
Good luck!
Re: Which Weapons and Offhand??????
#11Not playing celtic heroes anymore
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.
Even though I quit, nobody is getting anything.