Ok yeah, my druid at the moment is purely support, but its very hard for him to level. So the way i do it is I use my iPad and iPhone and group my druid with my ranger. But 'double-podding' is getting boring and I'd like my druid to actually fight solo. In Crom we call my type of druid 'a group healer'.
Thank you very much though.
You have any tips to get the most out of my heals?
Hmmm, i see you lost interest in pure support druids? Well i dont use double-devices to level, or multi-box as they say. In Taranis, there are two major clans, theILLUMINATI, and Pride. I am currently in Pride. In theILLUMINATI, Regenleif, a good druid that had been teaching me until lately when i caught up with his heal and surpassed his teachings basically taught me what i had to do, to be a good support druid.
To give you a taste of how good a pure support druid really is, i will summarize you two scenarios that i have gone through:
Scenario (1) :
My friend who was 63 when i had started my second druid, RoyalSeraphim (I did not have gold back then since i started from the bottom up, did not recognize book of alteration, book of rebirth, etc.). Bottomline is, he was a hybrid built druid, i am a purely support druid. He leveled fairly, decently quickly, as for i, I surpassed him very fast. Now he is 103 and i am 114. Pure supports are needed the most since they get the best out of their heals than other types of druids. Don't get me wrong, but some dps or even hybrid druids dont have the maximum potential that a pure support druid like i would have, comparing heals to one another.
Scenario (2) :
Regenleif, currently level 99 was my teacher, a master of druid arts of his time, one of them at least. I confronted him at level 32 after i saw his guide on being and druid generally a support built one. To show you the comparison on how we leveled, he is full support, i am pure support, i level much faster (the experience doesn't change whether or not the build is different) than him because i was much more needed i guess, but he took a break, he also double deviced and leveled that way.
Many things to consider about a pure support druid :
- Yes there is a difference between it and a full support druid.
- It uses its highest potential to help others and yourself as well
- May require patience
- Ressurection Idols are a must!
- Warding helps (but that is not how my build is made of)
- Without much hit-points (health or hp), pure support druids tend to lose in major battles if they are not careful.
- Since you are not hybrid, sigils are not a must, but may help if you plan on maximizing the potential of buffing and healing
- If you are in a clan with many druids, full support or not, you may want to find two or more druids to coordinate skill usage with. As for me, that is nature's touch, and abundance. Another is maxing wards, another is nature's embrace, lastly is shield of bark. With this combination and coordination with other druids of almost the same type, it maximizes the potential for keeping a group or a few alive, seeing as this works mostly on lets say major bosses, basically aggragoth.
- Need full diamonds (apart from diamond cowl - for exchange of a golden crown of wizardry), and if you want, get heroic boots of speed, helps with keeping up with your partner when duo leveling.
If you want more tips or information, please leave a feedback, if not interested, i fully understand.
As for your question about besting heals against others, try buying Golden Crown of Wizardry 150,000 gold, Master's Grimoire 200,000 gold, Diamond Icon 71,000 gold, and Diamonds [torso is 100,000 gold, greaves is 80,000 gold] (i recommend just the torso and the greaves - if you plan on buying heroic gloves of haste, which i dont know why you would, and heroic boots of speed for leveling purposes). Also try to be provided, buy, or get loot from a boss, royal, grand, fabled, and crystal rings of nature's touch. I am sure you already know these but, just for good measures.
Regards, RoyalSeraphim of Taranis