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Totem Weapons

Ok so just wanting to know exactly how the totems work? i understand the ability levels up as you use it but not the crushing damage on it, what is the leveling up for and what does it affect?

Re: Totem Weapons

Hi. My chance to hit goes up as does the damage done... Easier to see result in crookback where the mobs are weaker. But there is a difference from when I first got the totem. :)
Proud Rapture till the end!!

Cicero: Druid lvl 87 Guardian of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
Benn: Warrior lvl 86 Clansmen of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
BennJr: Ranger lvl 36 Guardian of RaptureLITE Rhiannon

Re: Totem Weapons

i have a lvl 39 druid and i want to no if a totem is better the a staff. the staff i have at the moment is staff of the icelord the does 55 damage but sswings really slow is there a good totem that does close to 55 damage that i can get at my lvl. :?

Re: Totem Weapons

I prefer a totem over staff anytime, simply because it's one-handed. That means I can equip an offhand weapon which comes in pretty handy. Druids will always have a low hit. They do their main damage through skills, the weapon is nothing but a low assistance to their attacks. In fact, it is possible for druids to kill without using a weapon at all (roots+vines+lightning).
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Totem Weapons

Aantoniou... You should change to a totem

It will def reduce your dps from your weapon, but when you get to a much higher level (70+) you will probably want to equip an offhand item, or weapon. You don't want to be trying to lvl your totem ability at that level.

You're better off taking the hit in your weapon damage now, and upgrading it while you are still a low(ish) level.

The first totem is weak, but cheap. Good for training your totem ability... More hits per mob...

Big totem is quite expensive... 21k I think, or you could do what I did and get one off a high lvl Druid that got his warden weapon. You have to find a real good b@$tard first. That's the hard part.

Hope this helps
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn

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