In this post i will outline and explain the importance of the most important skills for being a support druid, the best build, and of course which skills are best to use.
Now obviously natures touch is a no brainer best support skill without a doubt And an absolute must for most builds (with the possible exception of pvp build).
Another skill i like to use is natures breath, it has a longer cooldown time than touch, a longer cast time and uses more energy. However its very useful for smaller bosses where all the players are in 1 group. Especially if that boss uses aoe (area of effect) damage. However at 170 i have my breath at 49/50 it heals over 1k but uses almost 1000 energy. The main property of natures breath is that it heals all people within an area. This makes it fairly useless on endgame bosses as only 1 guy needs to be healed (ideally) however some druids will still use it just for the extra heal.
Moving on to BUFFS
Buffs are incredibly important. Debuffs such as howling wind are great for smaller bosses, and buffs like bark and wards are great for any boss.
One of the most popular buffs for druids is shield if bark. Its actually very powerful. Bark at 30/30 adds up to 600 armour which is almost as much as full warrior dragonlord. Its a great skill and worth using for full support.
Another popular buff is natures embrace. This can be useful in some situations. With buffs to reduce damage taken, embrace can actually keep a tank alive without the use of nature touch on smaller bosses. However for endgame bosses that tend to auto about 1k hits, its less vital.
Abundance is also a great skill. Can increase a tanks hp by up to almost 2000 hp at 50/50. Its also great for your stat build. Many druids often put all there points into focus and rely on their own abundance to give them enough hp to survive aoe attacks. However personally u would not reccomend this, often it wears off and you will not get a chance to recast. Or you may die and when you idol you may not get time to cast again.
On of the best debuffs is howling wind. A great skill for smaller bosses such as dl bosses or crest bosses, reducing their attack and therefore their damage and also if they miss/ hit. However for bosses like mordris and aggragoth, its not so effective. As these bosses have very large attacks (i imagine its somewhere upwards of 20k+ attack) and so this renders wind less useful, however it can be helpful for the adds.
Wards can be incredibly useful. Obviously wards are not the best for a general support build as all bosses use different types of damage and therefore some wards will be useless against some bosses. However endgame bosses will often require you to use an alteration book in order to set your skills. I advise that you could use a ward depending on which boss you are tackling. e.g hrung uses crushing damage (ward of giants) mords uses peirce and slash (soldiers and assassins).
Be careful!
Often at endgame bosses you will have a team of druids and it is likely that some of you will use the same skills. This will render half of your skills useless if another druid has more points in it. Therefor i suggest, before tackling an endgame boss, discussing with other druids which skills you will each max, so that you all use different skills for greatest effect.
Personally the best general support build uses: natures touch, natures breath, abundance, shield of bark and (depending on level and how many skill points you have) embrace.
As for stats build its pretty simple. If you rebirth, put all your Armour on before you start changing your stats so u can see how much health you have just from your armour. At 170 i use about 2k hp, it usually gives me enough to survive most aoes and allows me to have plenty of points in focus.
Hope this helps and feel free to criticise me or ask questions
Guide for being a full support druid.
#1Thund3rstruck- 225 DG Warrior
St0rm- 215 Druid
Bowz- 215 Ranger
St0rm- 215 Druid
Bowz- 215 Ranger