I was in a very similar dilemma at your level as well! I would first recomend finding a bronze ammy of Energization. They can usually be found for about 15k (if anyone sells), but cost 25k in the shop, which shouldn't be too hard to make. with your newfangled regeneration of 5 energy per tick, it should make energy problems a tad bit easier. Just a tad, but enough to sustain you.
Until you can afford a grimore, I recomend mainly being a support druid. Find leveling partners, and just level with them. Let them do all the hitting and grunt work, while you just follow them and cast bark every two minutes. It's incredibly boring, but good xp, and it allows you to have lots of conversations with people and become a nice and popular Druid
I used meditate until level 70, so don't feel ashamed! If you only cast bark and touch, and don't go around whacking stuff, then your energy should be fine. Keep in mind that for some reason casting spells on a person in combat places you in combat as well, so after casting a spell it will take 5-10 seconds for your energy to start coming up again.
I had no sigils until level 130 (and I didn't use pots either), and I used a bronze energy necklace until 120.. so know that it's not impossible to remain reliant on regens and meditate, and that I have full faith in your ability to manage. Energy issues are a huge problem for druids, however for now all you can do is find a way to cope with it.
I wish you the best!