Level 60 druid that needs help
#1So, I am having trouble deciding where to put my skill and attribute points. I kind of want to be the howling winds sort of druid with a bunch of dexterity, but also a DPS druid. Can someone give me some advice? I am lvl 60, and have a golden blade of fire, and godly banshee blade, as well as golden boots of speed.
-THEONLYDICE, Chieftan of Cult, One and ONLY Cultmaster of Arawn, level 70 druid that sits in the castle all day,
"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."
"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."