The funniest thing I've ever read on these forums.I think it may be that before patch there was a lvl 100 Druid at solstice hatchling and he was lvl 12 at the time(on fire with lvling 12-16 man he's goin fast) and he said OK I'm goin to kill this thing u heal me. So the Druid laughed at him called him a noob and left. So he thought with a better warrior he could solo it and perhaps get somemore respect. So he bought some plat and got 500k to spend with luxury items. But wen one of the noobs who beg u for money asked him he said I don't need it anyway ill give u all I have. So he gave him 499995g and he left and did some pretty intense training for about a month and wen he came back he had a new dauntless BP and a broadsword and was a badass lvl 13(wen I say bad ass I don't mean in good way). And I all think we know what happened after that.Something tells me he got in a boss fight and the druid got the drop. AND LETS SEE HOW GOOD YOUR BANDAGE WOUNDS IS COMPARED TO DRUID HEALING MAGICAL ABILITIES XD