Apparently not as obscure as I thought. Given the digression it's created, I'm not sure it was wise to footnote my post with that.
No, sir. It was one of the best footnote's I have ever seen. I wish all your posts had an encore.
I think it is well obscure... It is probably just a coincidence that you, Caliban and myself share either a.) a similar taste in films, b.) a knack for remembering lines and references or c.) a combination of both.
My question still wasn't fully answered. I was given a list of pros and cons, but I still don't know why a druid would use the golden blades over the trident. Could someone feel me in because to me the trident looks so much more appealing to a druid.
I think aleph went beyond what you could possibly ask for. Rather than tell you what to do, he gave you an excellent breakdown of the variables so that you could answer your own question. Part of the issue is that the question was vague, really, and he addressed that by saying something to the effect of "it depends on where your DPS is coming from." There are so many possible builds that there isn't a cookie-cutter answer.
It's like asking what I should get as a Hybrid Druid... Hybrid is remarkably vague: Skill Hybrid, Stat Hybrid, Equipment Hybrid, Play-style Hybrid, Internal Combustion/Electric Battery Hybrid?
As for the thinking for you part... perhaps the question was misread, but that is how I read it as well. In which case I question if it is not the question, rather than the reading of the question, which is in question.
I will digress to talk about something else... or rather recommend something else. Why not think about trying to buy a Golden Bodkin of Spirits from a player? At level 80 the Bodkin will still be a great addition (I use one at lvl 100+), you can save a lot of cash (can probably pick one up around 100k, as players want to upgrade), and it will give you a taste of the damage + regen.