Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

The weaker spawns that aren't Falgren, Crystalmist, Shimmerspell, Fellfire or Spirehoof. I think those are the correct names. You can normally tell like Charfire. I personally believe Baoba Sidhin (I think that's her name) the vampire and Vedranox's are bosses due to their epicness lol.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Well he said hes only active druid in clan, me kaylar and wolf pretty active too... Just not all high lvls and on at different times but im even not sleeping juat to be there at boss runs. I am active clan member pep dont say ur the only
lvl 215 druid

for advice/communication contact me on
discord: veryfastfox
IGN/mailbox: yrck3

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Sorry it took so long to reply Zorg (christmas holidays always hectic) But now im lvl 83 and i can solo anyboss that doesnt have an Embrace except maybe falgran his Embrace isnt as strong as the mini cumble horns.

I have altered my class to tanking druid yes i know with the reguv ammy and focus that its not fair haveing everyone running arround with 2k health and only 500 Energy. Well the clan i was in alot of times didnt have a tank on when a boss spawned resulting in the loss of a boss. But this modification makes me use less pots, live longer, and makes soloing so much easier.

My stats as a druid at the moment are

STR: 30
DEX: 100
FOC: 5
VIT: 300

Ya hardly seams fair that me, a druid is taking the rule that should be supposidly left to the worriors and mages. But im honestly sick of all the laughs and disrespect when i say i am tanking. And a worror who thinks he knows how to use his class taunts and takes my agro. To be fair if he wants to be the hero i wont heal him and his ass dies shortly later.

But to answere your how do i solo a boss as a lvl 80. It takes a crap load of pots lol but thats not the point the point is that i can do it and i will continue to do it. I plan on being the druid that breaks these class barriers. These sterotipical players thinking classes should be down to doing one thing is boloks and im here to prove it.

Go play world of warcraft and ask a lvl 80 worrior what class he wont mess with in a pvp match in that game. 9-10 times if the guy isnt an over inflated no lifer they will say healers.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Whenever ai get KS'd I confront the person, if they do it again, I never heal them, ever lol. My feeling is because Druids are in high demand, and especially skilled Druids, the karma will come back to him/her later when I refuse to heal for his group with him there. It's just how I roll.

That said, Druids are beast. Sure we dps slow, but with embrace and touch and high focus we can really outlast mobs well above our lvl. It's super fun and I think just as there are few great tanks, there are also few great Druids, it's a class that takes real savvy to know how to fulfill your group dynamic role when dealing with often more nooblet players. That said, that's what makes it fun. So hopefully more people will play them.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

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