How to make a good support druid
#1My druid sucks and can only heal (natures heal) 190. How can I heal more. btw I'm only lvl 31.
TBH, I am a bit concerned regarding the future for Druids.First off, healing for 190 at level 31 is not all that bad. It could be higher, of course, but don't beat yourself up about it.
At your level, I wouldn't worry so much about quartz, diamond, or lux items. Quartz and Diamond are still a ways away (level 60 and 80 respectively) and Lux is expensive. No... You need to look at your build.
Your heal is based on a combination of 3 factors. How you change those variables will change your heal.
1. Focus
2. Nature's Touch points
3. Nature Magic ability level.
1. Focus is a major part of your heal, and your skill power in general. The higher your focus, the stronger your heal will be (the higher your energy pool will be as well). You can add to Focus each time your level (you will get five points which you can allocate to Strength, Dexterity, Focus, or Vitality). I would look at only adding to Focus and Vitality at your level. Have you bee adding to Focus?
2. Nature's Touch points. This is your x/10 or x/15 (I can't remember how many a lvl 31 has). Each time you level you get one point that you can add to a skill. If you increase your Touch points, your heal will go up. Be careful, though. The higher the points your put in, the higher the energy cost. ie. if you max Touch at your level, you might find yourself running out of energy. Have you been increasing your Touch skill?
3. Nature Magic ability is a passive ability. While you have to manually change your Focus and Skill points, Nature Magic increases silently as you use the skill. Check your abilities page... first, do you have the Nature Magic ability? If not, you will have to run through the starter quest to find the Druid that gives it to you... I would guess he is in the castle. Then just use and use your Nature Magic skills to raise it (Touch, Lightning, Bark, and Vines are your main ones most likely). Each level you gain you will get space for ten Nature Magic. Again, this rises naturally, but at level 31, a max Nature Magic would be 310/310.
These are the three things that will raise your skill power naturally (ie. without buying items). If you think about these three things each time you level (add to Focus, possibly add to Touch, and practice your skills) you will see your heal rise.
Good luck, and welcome to the Forums.
Dont get me wrong , I still generally feel there is advantage in pumping into focus. I am just bugged with the diminishing returns. Currently at focus 645 with Master Girm, its 44 more in nature touch. So again, 100 focus being 20 levels worth only gives 44 more in Nature Touch. This hole will only grow bigger as we progress in levels with new updates by having more more focus investment or having void book.Morph, what do you suggest adding in after 300 of focus and 100-150+ vitality? Pumping dexterity would be good, but as you said above my post, strenght and dexterity is not an added convenience (paraphrased). It would be nice to know the difference of pumping dexterity and make your focus higher. I have around 675 focus and planning on buying full diamond armour, but try to convince me as i am one of the people that think each focus matters in heal. Should i buy full diamonds or should i rebirth and match your description of 300 focus? Also, what is the critical amount of dexterity where there is little to no difference if you add more or not? After that critical point, should i start adding in vitality? Note that im full support, as you know.
Edit: I've noticed that my Master's Grimoire and Deepfall Diamond Icon make a huge difference in heals. Master's Grimoire adds 100 focus whilst Diamond Icon adds 200 nature magic. I heal 957 with them both and without them both, i heal and exact -100, which is 857. I noticed this difference when i was wandering around buffing myself and tanking shalemont mages for warding upgrades... Ability.
Dont get me wrong , I still generally feel there is advantage in pumping into focus. I am just bugged with the diminishing returns. Currently at focus 645 with Master Girm, its 44 more in nature touch. So again, 100 focus being 20 levels worth only gives 44 more in Nature Touch. This hole will only grow bigger as we progress in levels with new updates by having more more focus investment or having void book.Morph, what do you suggest adding in after 300 of focus and 100-150+ vitality? Pumping dexterity would be good, but as you said above my post, strenght and dexterity is not an added convenience (paraphrased). It would be nice to know the difference of pumping dexterity and make your focus higher. I have around 675 focus and planning on buying full diamond armour, but try to convince me as i am one of the people that think each focus matters in heal. Should i buy full diamonds or should i rebirth and match your description of 300 focus? Also, what is the critical amount of dexterity where there is little to no difference if you add more or not? After that critical point, should i start adding in vitality? Note that im full support, as you know.
Edit: I've noticed that my Master's Grimoire and Deepfall Diamond Icon make a huge difference in heals. Master's Grimoire adds 100 focus whilst Diamond Icon adds 200 nature magic. I heal 957 with them both and without them both, i heal and exact -100, which is 857. I noticed this difference when i was wandering around buffing myself and tanking shalemont mages for warding upgrades... Ability.
Personally, i also like having fancy heals so focus 500 is a cut off point for me as I rather invest the stats in vit, str or dex being a dps druid. Being a full support druid is different though, as its all about heals and buff as you wont be able to solo lv due to zero damage spells. Hence you dont need much vit and strength/ dex is only usefull when u solo- Full support dont need increase melee damage nor fears in interruptions. So iguess full support is seriously only vit and focus. You will want 2 squeeze every possible juice into yr heals and buff. Hence full diamond is ok due to focus reasons.
Yes, i do agree, but with my build and statistics right now, i currently have 30/25 natures touch, and i only run out of energy when i group level, leech, or boss hunt under the influence i the lava floor,(lava golem) since only my luxury items kick in to do the work without meditate's help. I currently have the following as energy regeneration: heroic amulet of energization, master's grimoire, golden crown of energization and occasionally when i borrow revenant bracelet of invigoration and the lesser version of it (5energy per tick).A support druid is going to need energy. At your level the stats are not that important but if you run out of energy in a fight figure out why and fix it! If you buy sigils this should not be a problem for you. If not try getting some lux items. Also carry pots and idols. It may sound expensive but it pays off in the end.
The worst thing a full support druid can do is run out of energy and just watch the fight. I see this happen often as spells are upgraded and start to use more energy.
Sorry I don't have any good feedback on items. I was originally commenting on the first posters question about making a good support druid. This would almost certainly limit his playtime to group leveling and boss hunting.Yes, i do agree, but with my build and statistics right now, i currently have 30/25 natures touch, and i only run out of energy when i group level, leech, or boss hunt under the influence i the lava floor,(lava golem) since only my luxury items kick in to do the work without meditate's help. I currently have the following as energy regeneration: heroic amulet of energization, master's grimoire, golden crown of energization and occasionally when i borrow revenant bracelet of invigoration and the lesser version of it (5energy per tick).A support druid is going to need energy. At your level the stats are not that important but if you run out of energy in a fight figure out why and fix it! If you buy sigils this should not be a problem for you. If not try getting some lux items. Also carry pots and idols. It may sound expensive but it pays off in the end.
The worst thing a full support druid can do is run out of energy and just watch the fight. I see this happen often as spells are upgraded and start to use more energy.
On that note, what do you suggest i get or buy to increase energy regeneration but still have sufficient or better nature's touch heals? But i casually do not even dent my energy when healing or buffing since i also have rings for buffs. Only time i see a noticeable decrease is when i am under the influence of the lava floor.
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