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I've just gotten Spring of Life

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:30 pm
by Pretty_Entity
So I'm a level 121 Support Druid and yesterday my friend and I killed Bramblebark and Spring of Life dropped. I was happy, since it was the last move I needed to have all the druid moves. I look at it and to my surprise it only revives a fallen party member that is level 10 or lower. I knew it was going to be low because the skill is only level one. I press the upgrade button just to see how much the level would go up. It went up by 5. :lol: I decided not to even try to test a build for Spring of Life and took my point out of the skill. I then realized that it would take me 28/30 skill points just to heal a few of my clan members which would be level 145 and lower. I read the forums and found out that it only restores them with 1 hp and 1 energy.

The whole point of this little story is that this skill requires more points than almost any other skill in a druids lineup to be effective. The fact that I can take those 27 points and divide them up to be useful in other areas is much more appealing then this skill. This skill is almost unless in any boss fight because many ow bosses have aoe moves and would kill the player before a druid can heal them.

Would I have just been better off selling it to someone?

Re: I've just gotten Spring of Life

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:59 pm
by Spitfire
The spell is broken and unusable at this time. Maybe good up until level 70 before people start using idols. Running back to fellfire sucks at level 60.

At least you don't have to look for it any more.

Re: I've just gotten Spring of Life

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:57 am
by BlackMamba
Despite all the hate spring of life received on forums, I decided to try it out anyways, with the encouragement of my clan chief. I found it to be a massive waste of skill points, energy, and two alt books. I never got the chance to use it on anyone, except once on swamplord. I revived a rogue and a split second later both of us were deluged, resulting in both of us dying again. Another druid in my group revived me, and with 1 energy I was unable to heal for half a minute :lol:

Re: I've just gotten Spring of Life

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:08 am
by Mariner91
Would I have just been better off selling it to someone?
Only to an NPC, or someone dumb enough to pay 1g for it :p

Seriously, it's actually detrimental to learn this skill since it just adds more clutter to Druid skills (which is already the longest of all classes).