by RoyalSeraphim
From my experience I will tell you now that it is not worth it. The max points for your level will make the energy consumption is huge! It is bugged so when you cast a root on a mob even a level 1, but with bolas along with the debuff on the same mob, it still moves as if grasping roots does not affect it. Also, it is not the same as bolas, or else it would be overpowered, which is understandable. Another reason is the cast time, and the spell duration. The spell stays on the mob a second less than the cast time, so it gives a mob a good second to melee or even use skill on you and destroy you. If you know what I am talking about or not, try it yourself. For it to be even a little effective, you have to recast it exactly when the spell is completely cooled down, but it still gives the mob a whole second to demolish you. Maybe two ticks of sigils work, but that is it. It is slow for leveling.
I level at golems with amazing gear, full frozen with a dark book, I still get killed. I try using full spiritshadow to help me and switch to full frozen, still no. The good thing for it is that if you level with a group of rangers, only you are touched by melee or skill in the beginning if they don't use bolas. This grasping roots method of leveling only works if you have a camo charm, or else you will be destroyed the second you cast it on a new mob. That time is crucial when you first cast it. It determines whether you will kill the mob or not. As of now, without dexterity, a lot of dexterity, your grasping roots will be interrupted 9/10, no joke. Try it yourself, I mean with a druid since you are a mage after all. Druid attack skills get evaded too much, which is my experience which makes leveling slower. Any other question? Demonstration if you are willing to level in Taranis to 60+. Or a high level druid in your world can show you how difficult leveling with grasping roots without camo is.
RoyalSeraphim, Druid of Taranis