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Hi fellow druids!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:39 am
by Myhairisblue
I have a quick question, my druid is lv 109. And has decent heal 900+ (dont remember) but do any of you use spiritshadow as your druids main armor? I heard it has good stats for casters.

Re: Hi fellow druids!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:05 am
by kimloc
i use spiritshadow gloves, boots and leggings because they have more focus than diamond gear. if you have golden wizard crown wear that, if not use spiritshadow.

stick with the diamond bp because it has more focus. the other benefit of the spiritshadow gear is it has no weight.

Re: Hi fellow druids!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:12 am
by Maxxee
Spirit armor gives better focus bonuses than diamond except for legs, which both add 15, and bp, which adds 20 (5 more than spirit). Diamond is still better because of the vit bonuses and resists but you can save 180k by goin with spirit shadow for a focus build. I use spirit shadow myself except for when i need resists, mainly on lava floor, when i switch to my frozen. So if your workin towards your frozen armor as well just get both and switch them out depending on what you need.