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Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:26 pm
by Tenshi
First thing when you start a Druid is that they mostly baae there selfs around healing, the wrong thing to do is put your skills in lighting and strangle,

its always best to have someone to level with.
This game is short on Druids and we need some good one, and the best druids are the ones that can keep aggro off them while healing other group members or friends.
so when your building your stats keep that in mind.

always put your stats in natures touch and other healing abilities.
also, meditation is very important if you do not have a rejuve ring or ect.

if you have any questions or concerns please reply to this post,

also if you have any input on building a druid please don't be afraid to reply aswell.

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:50 pm
by Natures Touch
this is them most common mistakes rookie druids make also...

since some druids cant afford armor because they are buying stupid charms that are 10k and have got no gold, max your natures touch and meditate, and a lil abunance, then start saving gold for ammys and rings.

so please save your gold, you dont really need ancient armor as a support druid (healing druid) because your going to be healing somone the whole time, get to your warden quest the get up levels so you can get dimond.....

my 2 cents

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:45 am
by Tenshi
I agree Completely with you.

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:48 am
by Regenleif
Tip for once a druid is highlevel:

1. If you like making/having friends and being the only druid in a group, max Touch, Embrace, Bark, and Abund.
2. if you have lots of idols, try out full Focus.... very useful for no-death bosses.

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:37 am
by Dersu
Hi Tenshi. Welcome to the game, the forums, and being a Druid.

I don't mean to tackle your post to the ground. I am sure it is very useful for some people... but I am going to disagree with some of your opinions.

Sure, Heals and Buffs are very important for a Druid of any level... But I fully believe that Vines and Lightening are equally (if not more) important in the early going.

A low level Druid doesn't really NEED a high heal, in my opinion. They probably don't have a lot of health, and even when grouped, partners of a similar level won't either. If the toons only have 200 health, a 350 Touch is a bit of a waste of energy.

Again, if you only put points into your heals, you will be a very lob-sided Druid, and one that is entirely dependent on others.

A decent Vines attack can go a long way when soloing or grouping. Don't overlook it's value. I am a proponent of Lightning as well. Young Druids are highly likely to be solo. They are dealing with the quest line, (hopefully) training between quests, and might not have the access to fight with others.

As a comparison, I recently started a second Druid. I slowly moved up my Touch as I leveled so that one Touch would give me about 60% or 70% health. That tends to equal a 50% or 60% heal on a Warrior. I found this to be a good use of energy. I don't overheal myself, and was able to give myself solid Bark, Vines and Lightning, which makes for fast kills.

I suppose I wouldn't have a problem if your title and content suggested support Druid (even then I would highly recommend Vines and Bark) But you seem to be talking about all Druids, and only heals. Nothing is wrong, imho.

Again, my opinion in relation to your opinion.

Nice to meet you.

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:43 am
by Tenshi
Wow, very good, I guess I can see where you are coming from, A solo Druid is a hard one to master, but when i tried that tactic I could only kill 1-2 people before i was completely depleted, and there was no way I was killing a 3 star that was 2 levels below me in was almost impossible. It was easier Grabbing another person to run and help me with quest.

You have some very good points. and thank you for your input.


Cheyenne J. Patterson

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:14 pm
by Silvershadow
The higher the heal, energy, and HP thr better I think.

Re: Starting A Druid Step by Step.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:54 am
by kimloc
one thing i would like to point out is that for the solo lvling druid you should keep you touch skill at lvl 1 for as long as possible. the reasoning for this is because at lvl 1 it is uninterruptable, meaning you can use it whenever you need and not have to worry about it being interrupted.

this also means you can have a higher bark/lightning/vines, which will lead to faster leveling. I have a noob lvl 26 druid that I am making as a melee dps druid. my main is lvl 126 full support druid, and i wish i had known about natures touch being uninterruptable at lvl 1 when i started.

at lvl 26, my touch heals for 120-150, don't remember for certain, but it is more than enough to keep me alive. i will probably have to put some points into it around lvl 40-50, but i will keep at lvl 1 as long as possible :)

hope this helps.