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Calm question

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:46 pm
by TheRedHerring
I have a question about the skill calm. I'm kinda new to the druid thing, so yeah. What does upgrading calm do? I find it kind of useful when leveling with someone else and the mob goes to me so I just calm myself and it goes to them. Other than that I dont know that much about it. :oops:

Re: Calm question

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:19 pm
by aleph
Generally speaking, keep this skill in your hotbar but don't add points.

See here for an overview of druid skills. Calm is near the bottom of that post. It's worthwhile reading for any players new to the class. You might want to start upthread since the context of my skills overview is targeted towards bossing.

Re: Calm question

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:24 pm
by TheRedHerring
Generally speaking, keep this skill in your hotbar but don't add points.

See here for an overview of druid skills. Calm is near the bottom of that post. It's worthwhile reading for any players new to the class. You might want to start upthread since the context of my skills overview is targeted towards bossing.
Yay thank you :lol:

Re: Calm question

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:30 pm
by Inoue420
I use this skill very much I have it maxed 30-30 I'm a lvl131 full heal Druid!i also have a royal-grand-fabled calm rings I keep on me at all times! If the tank is not working or mob rejects taunt I cast calm on the first person to be hit wich puts the mob back on our tank, giving me time to heal who got hit and the tank.
I have even been in a party with 3rangers 2mages and lil ol me the mob was so confused it was great calm embrace touch and breath.

also have been having a issue on our server with aggy and one clan not letting anyone even try to take him all there dps on at a moments notice and aggys dead b4 u can even blink a eye with all there dps gear and aggy drops! So I'm a nice person I had this plan from the first time they ran in and would not give us a shot to calm there aggy and tamer. So one day recently I put on all my rings and I did it. It was craziness aggy went to dps Tamers spread out idols used like 100s deep down I kinda felt bad, but then aggy went down they got him still again. Then clan chat from sclience went wild and the PMs started coming in if I had done that and gj and woots, people checking my rings saying wow didn't know clam could do that. Personally if never provoked and all my ch friends so down in the dumps about not ever getting this boss I would have never thought to use this skill for evil only good to save someone! But that's my experance of what calm can do. Thank you for hearing me out! :D

Re: Calm question

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:56 pm
by ToeTag
Calm is very usefull, with taunt not working like it did it is handy to be ready to use it. I have it at lvl 20 and still have some issues keeping aggro on tanks with mages that can 3 hit 180 mobs now. If aggro is on anyone but a tank, you should be using it as often as possible.

Re: Calm question

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:18 pm
by iBenYourBro
Calm is very usefull, with taunt not working like it did it is handy to be ready to use it. I have it at lvl 20 and still have some issues keeping aggro on tanks with mages that can 3 hit 180 mobs now. If aggro is on anyone but a tank, you should be using it as often as possible.
has it changed cause as I remember having it at 1 would basically make it work all the time

Re: Calm question

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:37 am
by Maxxee
Calm is very usefull, with taunt not working like it did it is handy to be ready to use it. I have it at lvl 20 and still have some issues keeping aggro on tanks with mages that can 3 hit 180 mobs now. If aggro is on anyone but a tank, you should be using it as often as possible.
has it changed cause as I remember having it at 1 would basically make it work all the time
Keeping it at 1 helps yourself as a druid when you're only healing and buffing but won't do anything useful if a dps gains aggro. You'll need points in it if you want to calm a dps that has gained aggro from a tank but remember points in this skill prevents points from another.

I keep it at 1 and use it when i gain aggro when healing and buffing. Its the one and only skill that won't leave my hotbar even though it has no points in it. :)