Upgrade for druids.
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:16 pm
Guys seriously your thinking of this at the wrong point of view.
Think like your playing Call Of Duty if your not in free for all its a team efort.
For example Capture the flag.
You have the the guy who doesnt care about his k/d (kill to death ratio) who runs in and takes the hits other wise know as tanker.
You have thelong range snipers who pick off enemies gunning for the flag runner known as rangers.
Then theres those who follow behind the runner placeing traps for any followers giving him another chance at life and his objective known as druids.
Then there are the people who waste the other team making it impossible for them to win (this is the dp players mages, rouges and some worriors) they protect the druids from spawns.
Its a team effort.
Now i do agree that the druids need an upgrade but on my opinion not a new class.
Try a warden spelll upgrade for those who like to solo and help throw in some damage output on bosses. Here are some of my brain storms for the skills i use and love as a druid.
(Note: Make these only for those who are acuall players i say 75 and up but 80 can be good as well)
>Dark lightning strike< Deals double the damage as a normal lighning strike and stuns opponent or 30 sec
>Draining vines< Deals the same damage but the health it takes goes to you incase you cant get your embrace back up in mid battle.
>Shield of Stone< Increaseing the armor that bark can give by 2
>Natures Touch< Is great as is, im healing 424 as of now and i believe that is good and it can get better with lvls
>Dark embrace< You can select at target player and embrace him or selct a target opponent and drain him with the ammount your embrace is
(Note: Abundance is pretty usless if your tank has over 2000 hp)
>Dark resurection< Draning all your mana and half of your hp to reserect one targeted player. for this the cooldown can be 5min cause it can be pretty usefull.
With these can be classified in an abilitie called dark nature. These dont have to be the names for the new spells but in my opinion the effects are great.
Also admin please and everyone agrees make the cooldown for lightning strike faster.
And those of you who complain about not being able to recast cause of interuptions heres your fix. Put some skill points into Dexterity so you will doge attacks more and wont be interupted as much.
Think like your playing Call Of Duty if your not in free for all its a team efort.
For example Capture the flag.
You have the the guy who doesnt care about his k/d (kill to death ratio) who runs in and takes the hits other wise know as tanker.
You have thelong range snipers who pick off enemies gunning for the flag runner known as rangers.
Then theres those who follow behind the runner placeing traps for any followers giving him another chance at life and his objective known as druids.
Then there are the people who waste the other team making it impossible for them to win (this is the dp players mages, rouges and some worriors) they protect the druids from spawns.
Its a team effort.
Now i do agree that the druids need an upgrade but on my opinion not a new class.
Try a warden spelll upgrade for those who like to solo and help throw in some damage output on bosses. Here are some of my brain storms for the skills i use and love as a druid.
(Note: Make these only for those who are acuall players i say 75 and up but 80 can be good as well)
>Dark lightning strike< Deals double the damage as a normal lighning strike and stuns opponent or 30 sec
>Draining vines< Deals the same damage but the health it takes goes to you incase you cant get your embrace back up in mid battle.
>Shield of Stone< Increaseing the armor that bark can give by 2
>Natures Touch< Is great as is, im healing 424 as of now and i believe that is good and it can get better with lvls
>Dark embrace< You can select at target player and embrace him or selct a target opponent and drain him with the ammount your embrace is
(Note: Abundance is pretty usless if your tank has over 2000 hp)
>Dark resurection< Draning all your mana and half of your hp to reserect one targeted player. for this the cooldown can be 5min cause it can be pretty usefull.
With these can be classified in an abilitie called dark nature. These dont have to be the names for the new spells but in my opinion the effects are great.
Also admin please and everyone agrees make the cooldown for lightning strike faster.
And those of you who complain about not being able to recast cause of interuptions heres your fix. Put some skill points into Dexterity so you will doge attacks more and wont be interupted as much.