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Research into best Druid dps skills now...

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:36 pm
by Savaged1982
Starting off a post to get the ball rollng... Will add more as I figure more stuff out. My Druid is lvl 130 so it's based off skills maxed at 30/30 not 35/35 for the super addicts.

I didn't take the time to read Royals super long post end to end but I think the gst of it was stinging swarm is the only new dps skill...

Plus with all the changes it seems we need to look into the dps skills further, not everyone is full support so it's good to know.

First glance at swarm is that it should be compared to vines, both are DoTs so are comparable, much like storm and strike are also comparable.

Swarm has a very fast cast time and low cooldown (10 seconds) so you can cast it more often. It takes 323 energy and effects mobs within four meters or so. It's damage is roughly half of what vines is per tick for 20 seconds

Vines - every druid's favourite dps skill. 2 second cast time, 14 second cooldown. Decent damage, each tick is almost the same as one lightning strike for 30 seconds. 252 energy to cast

Lightning - fast but kinda weak dps, good for a second dps skill so far in game. Fast cast and cooldown. 10 seconds to cast and cooldown. 122 energy

Storms Touch - crazy single hit shot. Again lots of energy but long cooldown. About 27 seconds for cast and cooldown. Kinda hard to test. 239 energy

Without getting carried away testing yet I think I'll forget about the pretty new bees and stick to my original hyrbid setup or max vines and lightning, and using storm with a royal and grand ring to make it usable. Seems this is the best setup for me... Some might like the AoEness of swarm but it looks to me like a big waste of energy. It's super fun tho. I have royal ring so maybe I'll use it at 6 and see if it's worthwhile. I think that might be a good way.

Please add more - and where the heck is Teaweasel?? This is his job....!!

Re: Research into best Druid dps skills now...

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:41 am
by Pikel
I like the new stinging swarm spell. It doesn't add a lot, but any extra dps helps. I am lvl 159 and for my dps setup i run vines 47/35, lightning 40/35, storm 35/35, and swarm 35/35. Runnin 1230 foc and 330 vit with gear. Had to move some points from foc to vit to stay alive during aoes.

I like that swarm hits multiple mobs. When lvlin in some areas you are fighting multiple mobs. Its nice to cast once and stick to all mobs. I average about 450 per tick with swarm, thats 1800 dmg to every mob it lands on, so not too bad....

Re: Research into best Druid dps skills now...

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:33 pm
by Savaged1982
Indeed it is nice... I'm very frugle with my restos and have only got 100 sigils, plus i quit and gave away alot of gear and gold, of which ive only gotten about half back and not quite able to buy loads of new lux, so energy consumption is a big deal for me, hence why swarm doesn't cut the mustard for me

Dear god you must be pumping the restos with fully maxed dps skills