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Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 7:23 pm
by AlusAlos
I am a lvl 142 druid I have used Hollowing Wind for training solo or in groups and it helped a lot We or i can evades 90% of physical attacks on lvl 0-152 enemys After today patch hollowing wind 34/30 no worsk And my new built is usseles one more time
Can someone says why? I am very disapointed with this
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 11:59 pm
by nibbly
Hey, Alos. I tested this in PVP and it works there.
Are you sure it wasn't being evaded?
Anyone else have issues with wind since the patch?
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:05 am
by Galadriel
Yes, I have found that my howling wind was massively nerfed as well. With rings it is at level 42, but mobs at much lower levels hit through about 50% of the time. I can no longer solo mobs my level, and will most likely end up dropping the skill if it's not fixed.
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:49 am
by Dersu
Level difference could be a factor in what I am about to say, but I had no problems at all with Wind after the patch yesterday.
My details:
Level 121
Wind 39/30
Solo fighting level 120 - 125 mobs. Dodge/Parry/Miss most of the time, and take very little damage.
That being said, it could be in part that I am so over maxed when compared to my level.
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:44 am
by ScorchSux
Yes, I have found that Wind was reduced post this recent update. I have it at 35 and was able to easily lvl at 160 4 star spirits this time yesterday and would rarely get hit. Today it still reduces hits, however it now lets about 25% happen. another clan member has it at 46 and found the same.
I don't see any patch notes that identified this skill was reduced. Can we please find out why it was changed and not added into the patch notes? We are finding druids are dropping the skill now because of this change.
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:59 am
by Teifmaster
Another druid nerf... Hurray
i tried HW on mobs 20 lvls below me and got hit 2/3 times
It should lower attack with 1,8k and mobs at lvl 135 should not have that high attack.
So the skill that took away most of energy usage got nerfed.. WTF
But hey now we have energy harvest... Every 15 second we can get a 200 energy back
Thats ~ 70/tick if maxed.. Whats energy boost / sacrifice? 200/tick?
To bad i put so much time lvl druid. Going to swich main to my lvl 90 mage..
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:22 am
by FrostKnight
Another druid nerf... Hurray
i tried HW on mobs 20 lvls below me and got hit 2/3 times
It should lower attack with 1,8k and mobs at lvl 135 should not have that high attack.
So the skill that took away most of energy usage got nerfed.. WTF
But hey now we have energy harvest... Every 15 second we can get a 200 energy back
Thats ~ 70/tick if maxed.. Whats energy boost / sacrifice? 200/tick?
To bad i put so much time lvl druid. Going to swich main to my lvl 90 mage..
GL on ur mage. LMAO
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:43 am
by Morphmarfa
I can also confirmed HW does not work as well as before.
Note however, HW has not been nerfed (It has the same stats before and after patch).
Rather I suspect OTM has boosted mobs attack rating by a ton.
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:38 pm
by wentworth
I have been using howling wind for ages. Prior to update my 47/35 HW would humble every wyvern in the otherworld. Since update not much has changed with the exception I would avoid most mobs hits casting hw with only 35/35. (No rings)
Since the latest patch even with HW maxed and all rings on my HW is now useless. I get hit by the lowest lvl boggans nearly every time. This effectively makes the skill useless and removes my only effective (for a druid :-D) way of soloing in this game.
This needs looking at asap please.
Re: Hollowing Wind no works now!!
Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:30 pm
by -Scotto-
I totally agree. I have it at 33/30 and now get hit by spiders 40 levels lower... Not happy because there's no explanation on patch that would state this effect! Sucks as it was one of the skills that makes druids soo independent!