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How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:44 pm
by Perl
I like being a druid and honestly for a long time I was the quiet one on these forums.
But I am so frustrated with my druid right now.

It is next to impossible to level him.

I am frustrated that there is so few of us.

-In the top 50 players there is only 2 Druids
-of the 209 players that have reach level 180 only 15 are Druids
-of the 1302 players at or higher that are level 150, only 188 are Druids

I am not looking for druids to become the most powerful class, I just want OTM to help us with DPS issues when we are in support mode.

Getting tired of not being able to solo my Gladiator.

Just venting.... :(

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:54 pm
by Darteos
Our Druids are leveling fast, not that your points aren't valid but dedicated players are able to move up the chain. Druids definitely could use some love with reduced energy costs but otherwise they are strong. Not as many people play them because DPS classes are simply more attractive and with the high energy costs of DPS skills for Druids, they are not optimal without an ungodly amount of sigils.

With that said, I hope you folks do get some buffs soon to make your gaming more enjoyable and less tedious.

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:05 am
by mdimarco
Druids are hard to level.

For solo leveling I tried storm, lightning, vines, and touch while using a magic blade h2h.

I was just dying too fast so now I am storm, vines, touch, and howling still h2h blade. It seems a little better but still have to use res idols everytime I catch an extra add :/.

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:53 am
by Dersu
Druids are hard to level.

For solo leveling I tried storm, lightning, vines, and touch while using a magic blade h2h.

I was just dying too fast so now I am storm, vines, touch, and howling still h2h blade. It seems a little better but still have to use res idols everytime I catch an extra add :/.
Yeah... the blade doesn't work so well for a Druid build. I know it is popular with Mages, but I think e-shield and lures is what makes it viable for them. I borrowed a friend's Blade to test and was near death every fight.

Consider picking up a Trident for your Druid. The lost damage is more than made up with the Regen and Dex.

Use a Totem.

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:00 am
by Regenleif
Maybe we should make a fireworks display with all of our concerns and shoot them off over Glasgow...

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:09 pm
by RedDogy

Re: How do we get peeps to listen to us?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:44 am
by Clarity
Druids are hard to level.

For solo leveling I tried storm, lightning, vines, and touch while using a magic blade h2h.

I was just dying too fast so now I am storm, vines, touch, and howling still h2h blade. It seems a little better but still have to use res idols everytime I catch an extra add :/.
For soloing you should try maxed vines, embrace, touch, and split points between bark and storm. This way you have a decent support and leveling build, also try to get a masters grim since all of our "power" is focus based... also it wouldn't hurt to use a totem :D