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Support druid

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:25 am
by Shara1313
Can someone please help me on a support druid build. I am wondering what stats and skills to use. Thank you!!

Re: Support druid

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:49 pm
by RedDogy
For stats, just foc and vit, i personally just use enough vit to get 1k health, then rest for foc

Re: Support druid

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:11 pm
by Clarity
I live by a 1:2 vit:focus stating, I'm hybrid but I think I know enough about druids to give you advise here, I would suggest you go the hybrid build until 80 or so and then turn support, this is because going full support from level 1 will be a pain in the butt. Also as me and a few key members of my clan has been discussing you should "champion" in a skill or two. Meaning find out what your clan needs most, if you have a druid in clan that is already maxed in a ward or two (wouldn't suggest using all wards.. only crush and fire since they are the damage types come most in contact with) then you should stray from that skill and focus on what your clan is lacking, I'm not saying don't use touch or embrace cause a druid in clan has dragon rings adding +9 or so to that skill but don't pile your points in it, happy leveling hope I helped :D