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dps druid

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:39 pm
by Criminal
edit: solo lvling, forgot to add that

well my druid is lvl 74, hes an awesome healer, can heals above 860, could do above 900 if i wouldnt give my minor nature touch charm to a stronger clannie druid
but thats boring, way too boring, and druid got some nice dmg skills

so i need help with this
i have diamond icon which is lvl 80 req instead of clairvoyant opal

my gear is

master grimoire
eng crown (ow crown)
diamond icon/warden totem
almost full warden/met (i can get help with this to get full met)
eng brace
heroic ammy

im not sure how heroic gloves/full met will help, im thinking that speed wont matter much so full met for some dmg energy and etc would be better
my rings are : grand nature touch, royal earth (+150 nature magic), grand bark, grand howling wind, fabled nature breath, 2 greater bless (tho i dont have bless skill :S)
dont have any dmg rings yet since he never was dps druid

i was thinking about:

lightening strike
nature touch/embrace
extra pts into... bless? sanctuary? bark? howling wind? Not sure


lightening strike
nature touch/embrace
extra pts into touch/embrace - depends on what i maxed

swarm looks good since its poison dmg i think, which might be useful, storm touch drains energy and im not sure if to use it or not, idk if i need Roots at my lvl, but it could be cool sincemy druid name is Roots ;)

Re: dps druid

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:48 pm
by Pampi
yes Druids can do amazing dmg :)
But do you want to lvl with a tank or solo?
if with a tank u only max dmg skills he can use taunt to protect you from dmg..
If you want to solo u should do bark full ( we have paper armour) and some in embrance cuz touch interupts soooo often :/ then the rest in strike and vines later in swarm too :D
about stats i do 1/3 vit.. thats enough cuz embrance makes you get less dmg than you heal per tick :)

Re: dps druid

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:21 pm
by Criminal
yes Druids can do amazing dmg :)
But do you want to lvl with a tank or solo?
if with a tank u only max dmg skills he can use taunt to protect you from dmg..
If you want to solo u should do bark full ( we have paper armour) and some in embrance cuz touch interupts soooo often :/ then the rest in strike and vines later in swarm too :D
about stats i do 1/3 vit.. thats enough cuz embrance makes you get less dmg than you heal per tick :)
forgot about that
solo, i'll edit
i prefer 3 dmg skills and embrace tho, extra pts in bark/touch

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:22 am
by Ventius
although i was not dps druid for long this is what i had
maxed vines
maxed touch
maxed lightning or storm touch (depending on if u have enough regen or not)
and maxed shield of bark because druids are useless when it comes to armour

as i said i did not have much experience in dps druid build but this is what worked for me solo leveling :D

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:23 am
by Ventius
maxed touch
i meant nature touch:)

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:26 am
by iBenYourBro
I went dps for like 30 lvls
I highly don't recommend it unless u have combos sigils or restos or unless u can deal with the long time between kills
But that's beside the point ill help u with a build
So I went dps in the high levels but ill try to make it apply to some1 your level
(This is the expensive way cost lots of restos)
So have enough vit to survie one 4*mob that's alll the vit you need put rest in focus
Becaussr between kills you can either pop a resto or use a touch heal
Max swam
Max vines
Max lighting
Max nature toucb
Rest put in bark
(If at a higher level and can max 5 skills mac storm touch put rest in bark)
Skill rotation:
Cast bark (should last u like 2-5 fights )
Cast vines
Cast swarm
Cast lighting
Mob may be dead by now if not spam heals button until lighting cools down just incase a heal dosemt get intteruppted then cast lighting again mob should def be dead (if higher level cast storm touch whenever u can after vines and swarm)
Cast touch or pop resto
Then move to next mob (resto should fill up ur energy I'd not then u have to sit for a secound or two)

I seriously don't recommend this but its damn effective lvled from 140-170 in 5 days
I would just stay healer all the way up.sure you level slower but its 10x cheapper
Another thread posted my healrr build until I was 140 (when I got plat for sigils and all that junk)
I would keep that build all the way if your not getting sigils amd if you are I wrote on there what to do if u do let me go get link ... 48&t=39430

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:36 am
by Godzilla
Best dps Druid build you can get:

Max all dps skills
Rest in touch

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:52 am
by Pampi
Best dps Druid build you can get:

Max all dps skills
Rest in touch
yeah but natures touch interrupts like 9 of 10 times... I had the same build and the scorpions or eyes made like one hit on me...

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:17 am
by Godzilla
That's why you have restos :mrgreen:

These guys are asking for a dps build, what's suggested above are hybrids ;)

If you have enough hp the mob will drop like a fly but also leave you energy empty so you have too be careful there if you have a no restos

***highly suggest you don't use the build if you have no restos***

Re: dps druid

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:28 am
by Pampi
I think its time for a mutible druid build guide :mrgreen: muhahahahaha he will come soooooon :)