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Focus of Mystic vs. Shield of Bastion

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:34 am
by Superman
In your opinion which of these items would be best for training. I've always used the shield of bastion in order to help stay alive when attacking 3 and 4 star mobs but now i find my self rooting most if those mobs and standing back attacking from afar so maybe id be better off buying the focus of mystic.

Re: Focus of Mystic vs. Shield of Bastion

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:07 am
by BlackMamba
If ur gonna root anyways maybe a shield isnt that worth it. However, it is useful if ur fighting ranged mobs (firbolg rangers at my level). Another consideration would be getting high (350+) bear helms although in ur case it removes your full dragon armor bonus. I find myself switching gear often mid lix and might be the best option given a druids versatility based on gear and rings. If you can afford it, it doesnt hurt to have both

Re: Focus of Mystic vs. Shield of Bastion

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:50 am
by Criminal
it depends on ur build, im not sure how high druids melee is so with shield it'll even get lower, but it helps survive and if u cast only it can be useful but less dps
if ur rooting just get focus of the mystic, but yea as blackmamba said if ur fighting against ragned mobs shield can help on surviving

just something i noticed, considering ur lvl, u need like 2 more lvls unless u gonna waste time and elixirs on being higher than 190, so u will need focus of the mystic by then, so i suggest getting it for those 2 lvls and then u will have it instead of looking for it