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Hybrid Possible?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:45 pm
by RedDogy
I was wondering if you could be a solo lvl/ dmg druid and still have buffs and heals at bosses.

Re: Hybrid Possible?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:53 pm
by pigman
Max bark touch and your choice of damage skills. Useful at bosses, and leveling

Re: Hybrid Possible?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:04 am
by Dersu
I was wondering if you could be a solo lvl/ dmg druid and still have buffs and heals at bosses.
Do you simply post new topics and then never return to see if someone has responded to you?

I answered what was essentially the exact same question for you here: ... ls#p288335 ... in great detail, I might add.

You not only failed to read and say thanks... but you obviously failed to impliment my advice. If you had, you wouldn't be asking if Hybrid is possible.

The general info in my post will allow you to solo fight, and will still allow you to be effective at bosses. Just tweak it as needed depending on how many spare points you now have/what you would like to be better at.

For example, I am a lvl 125-130 with maxed Lightning, Touch, and Bark, overmaxed Vines, and half Bees and Storm, I can effectively solo and still have about a 1300 heal plus a lot of armour to give at bosses or while grouping.

As an aside, the "View your posts" button top left of the screen is great. It will show all threads you have posted in, and is marked red if anything unread is available. Make use of it.

Re: Hybrid Possible?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:06 pm
by CamoSexy
Yes this is possible, the skills i currently use for lvling/bossing are lightning strike, vines, bees(the dmg is excellent on bosses), and touch all maxed and i also use shield of bark with the rest of my points and im usually the one who gets the kill on bosses. This is my best build for bossing and leveling that i have discovered but the only issue is energy costs and the only reason i can use this build is because i have 2500 energy sigils lol hoped this helped.