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charging for services?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:29 pm
by redfury
hey all im new to the forums and fairly new to the game but here goes.

as a druid I am constantly being asked for help. I don't mind but I don't get anything out of it. so I have lost time where I could have been leveling or farming. so my question is do you charge to help people if so what is a fair amount? I'm sure it would have to be on a scale of some sort depending on the level person you are helping.

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:37 pm
by iBenYourBro
I've done it in my spare time instead of farming i heal some1 out of group for 2k a lix sometimes 1k if i like them and im dps so i kill it At half i think its a fair price

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:30 pm
by Randall
redfury, welcome to CH. I personally have never sold my services, nor would I ever. This is just my opinion. As a lower level druid, we need groups to level effectivly until 180, yes you can solo but groups are much better. If you arrange a fee than more power to you. Have Fun.

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:55 pm
by Regenleif
I have always offered my healing services (touch embrace bark abund) for 4k every 15 minutes or 1 super know elix. Works well, and I have lots of elix stored up ;)

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:01 am
by iBenYourBro
redfury, welcome to CH. I personally have never sold my services, nor would I ever. This is just my opinion. As a lower level druid, we need groups to level effectivly until 180, yes you can solo but groups are much better. If you arrange a fee than more power to you. Have Fun.
I think he means for healing out of group

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:05 pm
by castiglioni
hey all im new to the forums and fairly new to the game but here goes.

as a druid I am constantly being asked for help. I don't mind but I don't get anything out of it. so I have lost time where I could have been leveling or farming. so my question is do you charge to help people if so what is a fair amount? I'm sure it would have to be on a scale of some sort depending on the level person you are helping.
I would just offer to heal in group and get the xp for your services.

Leveling is enough of a chore, I wouldn't do it out of group for some gold.

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:30 am
by TheWind
You could do it on your free time but it is better to just be nice and help them :D

Re: charging for services?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:16 pm
by ckanda1
Wow....interesting topic. For me, I've healed outside of grp many times and never charge for my so called "services" lol. That's great if it works on other servers, but personally i dont mind helping someone level if im not busy:)


Re: charging for services?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:41 am
by Randall
In group, out of group, my personal opionion is to not charge for heals ... what if dps started charging for groups? Or mages for lures? If charging works for you, great. I personally will never do it :D