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Offhand for afk?
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:34 am
by aantoniou
i hav a druid and i always go afk on him. i dont die but i wanna now wat is the best offhand for afk i dont mind spending 175k plus.
Re: Offhand for afk?
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:15 am
by Nodnarb
Well all depends on if you want more health and energy and resist. If so i recommend going with the golden focus of reguvination. It give you extra health increasing your chances of survival.
But if you want to drop mobs quickly and save some money i recomend the golden axe of carage helps you kill quicker so that you have a chance of surviving.
Combine those two and whatdo you get A GOLDEN BODKIN OF SPIRITS which is what i highly recomend you get to drop the mob much quicker and you get a small boost of health and you get reguvination.
Re: Offhand for afk?
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by Superman
I chose the golden axe of carnage because it does the most damage out of any offhand and is very affordable.