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Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:07 pm
by Im Camodruid
Salutations fellow druids! I would like to propose to make natures touch cast instantly. Since the druid class is based on its ability to have high heals then why is it so hard to cast them during combat? For example I got the agro on a quest dragon and I had the spam the touch button for about 10 seconds to finally be able to cast it. At the moment it takes about 1-3 seconds to cast it so if it were able cast instantly then add a few seconds on the regeneration time. This would give druids a way to solo lvl like all the other classes without using a but load of idols and regen pots. Also while healing a tank if they were close to death then you could instantly heal them which in turn would allow them to keep the agro and continue tanking. Just my opinion :D

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:06 pm
by DontHate
That would make it too op

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:55 pm
by Royalwarrior
It would be great, during solo leveling, i need to waste points In howling wind or im not even possible to cast vines or touch..

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:57 am
by Demised
Doesn't make sense to make it instant cast.

But anyway, as your all aware of what we really need is a slight reduction in energy costs. Or simply a small energy reduction on some of the skills.

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:02 am
by Galadriel
The game is evolving, and bossing is getting more fast paced and challenging. Making natures touch an instant cast would solve so many problems with the druid class. Long ago, I remember that after a certain skill level calm became insta cast. Maybe the same could be applied here. At a high skill level, say 30 and higher, natures touch would become insta cast. This would allow the oldest skills to keep up with the evolution of the game at high levels, where a fast paced cast is most needed.

There is absolutely no justification for why this would make druids overpowered. In bossing? No, our heals may finally be able to keep up instead of healing dead people. In PVP? No, cutting our healing in half has made us tremendously underpowered in PVP. It would be almost the equivalent of a mage's energy shield. It may finally allow the druid class to have a chance at soloing.

This is long overdue. Our old skills need to keep up with where the game is going.

Support. +1

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:17 am
by pigman
-1 overpowered imo

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:31 pm
by CookieMonster

Feels like it would be cheating. I like how you have to time the cast correctly, and that it can be interrupted. Adds some strategy, rather than just brainlessly hitting touch over and over.

However, I DO think lightning should be instant cast. Should also be instant hit, like a solid bolt from the toon to the enemy. That's how lightning actually works.

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:33 pm
by Demised
Yeah that is logical in a certain sense CookieMonster, I'd support that. Would be called overpowered by many people but it's based on logic (:

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:09 pm
by Perl
Rogues have an instant cast called Shadowstrike... is that OP?
Why is it out of bounds for a druid to have an instant heal?

O, wait, we are druids, the neglected class. I should never compare us with the OTM elite and most favored rogue class.

If not instant Nature Touch then create a new instant cast healing skill

Re: Make Natures Touch Cast Instantly

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:55 am
by Godzilla
As much as i would love this to happen it would be op.

A solution could be making another skill that is instant cast but maybe 1/2 of what nature touch does? I believe it has been brought up before with similar suggestions.

Also +1 for making lightning instant cast. It only makes sense that lightning would be instant cast unless the cast time is charging it up? If it is what does the cooldown mean? 0.o

Another option could make it so Nature Touch has 2 healing modes, you would go to the skill page and turn on/off instant cast but with instant cast have a 40% heal penalty with same energy cost so it isn't too overpowered.