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how to get from 181-191

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:16 pm
by iBenYourBro
How to do this as a druid within a week effectively?
Im seeing rouges do it in a few days but everytime I try n lvl I get like 3-4% per lix and thts just garbage im 181 now I just want to be 191

Re: how to get from 181-191

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:26 pm
by Perl
I am currently 188, but have an alternate dual device level 190 Rogue. :D

So if you can get the East, West, or Middle of Mordris Cave, I will clear out all the 180's first with my rogue, then lix my druid and work on the +185 mobs. When they are downed, I will log off my druid and clear out 180's and then log my druid when a +185 spawns.

If you don't have a 190 rogue to dual device with, then I would suggest talking to a rogue or another player to help you clear the 180's.
The faster you clear the 180's the faster +185 will spawn.

Re: how to get from 181-191

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:32 am
by Twizztedhealz
Or group a rogue, they'll save restos and u get better xp, its pretty fair deal. Thats how i hit 190 anyway, thanks TP :D