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Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:53 am
by The(Server)
It's extremely annoying that my class is the only class that is interrupt most so maybe remove interruption forever? I know op.... But we are Druids, not much harm from us, warriors don't get interrupted nor does rogue,ranger or hardly does Mage become interrupted-.-

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:03 am
by malky70
Don't you believe it!
I have at least one toon of every class, and all suffer interruptions.

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:10 pm
by The(Server)
There's only 1 skill that wouldn't be interrupted (druid class) others always interrupted
Unlike other classes, few skills are interrupted

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:05 pm
by SmartOne96
EVERY single one of my skills as a mage can be interrupted, even my lures. The only skills that I can think of that that cannot be interrupted are rogue's shadowstrike/quickstrike and mages ice blast. (However, if you are stunned or frozen blast can be interrupted).

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:59 pm
by Basalt
EVERY single one of my skills as a mage can be interrupted, even my lures. The only skills that I can think of that that cannot be interrupted are rogue's shadowstrike/quickstrike and mages ice blast. (However, if you are stunned or frozen blast can be interrupted).
Not true about ss and qs. I have had interruptions on both. I have also had interruptions on the skills that go with the event luxury, such as the Reaper ring skill, the energy shield skill (from the 1m pendent) and on the midnight cloak skill (from the 1m h-ween ammy)
Granted this is a rare occurrence, it still happens. :)

This goes to show that any skill can be interrupted, even instacasts!

I do believe that Natures Touch should interrupt less. Otherwise, leave it as it is.

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:36 pm
by The(Server)
I'm suggesting to make Nature Touch and Vines non-interruptible
Cmon we heal you....

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:48 pm
by Basalt
I'm suggesting to make Nature Touch and Vines non-interruptible
Cmon we heal you....
I think that Vines are fine. Natures touch could use a little less chance of being interrupted, but not by much.

And before you ask, I have a level 110 druid, so I know what i'm talking about. :)

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:22 pm
by flamingduckee
Lol not make natures touch interruptible i dont want to hear bs about i have a a druid what? A really noobish one? Try soloing by urself without restos and see how hard it is before u comment

Re: Disable interrupt thing for Druids

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:25 pm
by Basalt
Lol not make natures touch interruptible i dont want to hear bs about i have a a druid what? A really noobish one? Try soloing by urself without restos and see how hard it is before u comment
I soloed without restos to level 100.

Then I simply found a group to level with. Even people 10+ levels above will level with a druid when they don't have access to restos.

Also, I never said that leveling a druid was easy. I simply said that natures touch does not need to be completely un interruptible.

And before you call me a noob, keep in mind that your druid is only 10 levels above mine, and that I have a level 150. Maybe not an end game player, but definitely not a noob.