Does Howling Wind decrease the chance to hit with SKILLS
#1so if i cast howling wind on a player it decreases auto attack's hitting chance, but does howling also decrease the chance of player's skill to hit you
World--> Rhiannon/Crom/Herne/Lugh
Lvl--> 112(Full Meteoric)101(Full Astral)86(Full Warden)87(Full Warden)63(unfathomable)93(Full Warden)80(Full Warden)
I Am A Druid/Warrior/Rogue/Mage
Lvl--> 112(Full Meteoric)101(Full Astral)86(Full Warden)87(Full Warden)63(unfathomable)93(Full Warden)80(Full Warden)
I Am A Druid/Warrior/Rogue/Mage