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New skill

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:28 pm
by FruitcakeLuuk
Well i though of a skill i dont know if somebody said it already but.

Dizzy/sleepy (working on name) makes the enemy sleepy and wont be able to attack for 8 seconds, with same recast time as shield bash or higher xD.

Idk if its good or over powerd so yeah leave ure comments

Re: New skill

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:13 am
by FruitcakeLuuk
Serius nobody :(

Re: New skill

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:15 am
by UrMerGurdDanu
It should be like a better version of entangled that also slightly slows movement speed

Re: New skill

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:09 am
by Swan
Well i though of a skill i dont know if somebody said it already but.

Dizzy/sleepy (working on name) makes the enemy sleepy and wont be able to attack for 8 seconds, with same recast time as shield bash or higher xD.

Idk if its good or over powerd so yeah leave ure comments
How about make it so that the opponent can't use skills (but can still auto attack you) for 8 seconds? Because I think an 8 second stun is a bit overpowered. :)

The 8 second duration could be nerfed to 4 seconds in PvP.

Re: New skill

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:04 pm
by FruitcakeLuuk
Yeah thats easy if a boss rages and dont got a good tank online

Re: New skill

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:38 pm
by WonderWaffl3
Waaayyy to op for no autos. You could just have a line of ppl using this skill so bosses could never attack. Its cooldown would have to be sneaky/riposte cooldown.

Re: New skill

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:02 am
by Sur3al
Ya but even if it had that kinda cool down you would only need 2-3 druids with this skill leveled enough to make it a endless loop

But grasping roots becomes way op with a dark/void skull which adds 25% cool down (dark) or 30% cool down (void) reduction which would let u just sit there and hit them with ranged attacks.

Every class can become broken with the right gear/skills

Re: New skill

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:36 am
by FruitcakeLuuk
I said with same cooleown as ahield bash

Re: New skill

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:27 am
by paggasquid
this would suk. u can make a group with 3 druids and take any boss down( including necro) u only need a few dps people in ur group. i vote against this skill because it will ruin the game

Re: New skill

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:27 pm
by Napol
this would suk. u can make a group with 3 druids and take any boss down( including necro) u only need a few dps people in ur group. i vote against this skill because it will ruin the game
If it only takes away the ability to use skills it would be fine. Also only 8 seconds with a boss still autoing? An endgame boss has no problem doing 1k+ autos on anyone that draws its attention.

Have you ever used shield bash consistently? the cd is lengthy, so you would need almost a full group of just druids trying to get this skill to work. Also you forget to take into account bosses' resists, rogues have trouble even getting shadowstrike and sneaky to land. You would probably need at least 4 druids with this skill in order to make it land once, more if you wanted it to be continuous.

This skill idea seems to be similar to another warrior skill that blocks a certain amt of dmg for up to 3-4 seconds. This skill would be different, preventing a mob from casting any skills for 8 seconds. Sounds great!

With only a few dps necro would rage before you could kill...